A Critic Becomes a Friend
Apr 11 2007

Last month we issued a press release announcing the new version of Baby Manager. Naturally, we were excited because it represented the culmination of months of hard work. So imagine our dismay when a Google search to see if any news outlets had picked up the release found that we had been mentioned by a prominent blogger — whose initial reaction was negative.

The good news is that the blog post generated a lot of comments. And the even greater news is that breastfeeding activist Jennifer Laylock softened her stance when Aruni Gunasegaram, co-founder of Babble Soft, posted a comment explaining how she came to create the Baby Manager program and the purpose the software is intended to serve. She and Aruni exchanged friendly e-mails and the original negative comment actually turned into something positive.

We’re happy to recommend Jennifer’s blog, The Lactivist, as a great resource for breastfeeding moms and especially for those interested in donating to milk banks. Check out our Blogroll in the right-hand column for links to online resources worth checking out.

And to find out if Baby Manager is right for you, click on the links to take a tour or sign up for a free trial.

— Connie Reece

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