Why I Finally Joined Facebook
Nov 20 2007

So I’ve been putting off joining Facebook mostly because I haven’t had time to set it up (lame I know) but partly because I wanted to be one of the last people on the planet (just kidding) to join.  I sometimes refer to myself as the late adopter high-tech CEO.  Kind of strange to think about really.  I broke down and joined Facebook today.

So why did I join now?  Here are some reasons:

  • I had some friends invite me to join
  • I saw Robert Scoble post about Facebook ad noseum.  I think he has to get a commission or something from Facebook or maybe he got a finder’s fee for Microsoft’s recent investment, which probably made him very happy.  I tried to add him as a friend but I got a notice saying he has too many friends
  • I started to feel like I was missing out on something (peer pressure, curiosity)
  • I wanted to learn more about the advertising options on Facebook (Facebook Ads) that Fred Wilson has been mentioning in some of his recent posts.
  • I’m hoping someone at Facebook will discover me and my company and give me lots of moola. 🙂

There are quite a few parenting and baby groups on Facebook so I’ll sit back and observe and see if that might be a good avenue to advertise Babble Soft

If anyone has long term experience with Facebook (or has any news on what they are planning to do with the Microsoft money) I’d love to hear about your experiences.  Do you click on the ads and if you do, do you purchase anything?

Author: | Filed under: advertising, babble soft, entrepreneurship, networking, social networks | Tags: , , , , | 8 Comments »

8 Comments on “Why I Finally Joined Facebook”

  1. 1 Robert Scoble said at 1:57 AM on November 21st, 2007:

    Nope, I don’t get a dollar from either Microsoft or Facebook.

  2. 2 Aruni said at 7:32 AM on November 21st, 2007:

    Thanks for stopping by Robert! I do have to ask though:

    Do you own stock in Microsoft or Facebook?

    Have they ever taken you out to lunch or dinner? 🙂

  3. 3 pearl said at 8:05 AM on November 25th, 2007:

    I’ve been feeling the same off late… not so much peer pressure, but curiosity! theres been so much talk about facebook recently that I might sign up soon! joined twitter a few days back and added some that I wanted to follow and within 30 seconds I get an email that Scoble is following you! and then some other high profiles – that was intimidating to say the least 🙂 haven’t been able to write anything on it yet… but I love how these networks are evolving… glad they aren’t just for some punks anymore!

  4. 4 Lee Aase said at 9:37 AM on November 25th, 2007:

    You’re definitely not a “late adopter,” but it’s great that you’ve joined Facebook. I’ve written a bunch about business uses for Facebook (a few months before the Social Ads started), and I think Facebook will be the telephone of our era, and will change interpersonal and business communications as much or more than the phone, fax and email have.

  5. 5 Aruni said at 1:12 PM on November 25th, 2007:

    Hi Pearl – if you do join facebook, be sure to add me as a friend. We can learn together. 🙂 I still have not had time to even think about twitter.

    Hi Lee – thanks for stopping by. I look forward to learning more about facebook from your blog. I really need a crash course. The problem for me and the social networking sites is that there is so much information out there that trying to learn it all while at the same time launching a high-tech business is not proving to be very effective. I guess I’ll just learn as I use it! Some things about facebook are intuitive and others are not. For instance, how do I add my RSS feed for this blog to my profile? I’ve seen a few other people who have done it, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to do it myself yet!

  6. 6 Facebook: Importing Blog Posts « PR, New Media, GTD - Lines from Lee said at 10:26 PM on November 25th, 2007:

    […] Importing Blog Posts I recently got a good question from Aruni Gunasegaram, asking how to import posts from her blog into her Facebook profile. I look forward to learning […]

  7. 7 Lee Aase said at 10:28 PM on November 25th, 2007:

    Hi Aruni – I just answered that question on my blog because I think it’s one others will find helpful, too. It’s at:


    Best regards,


  8. 8 Aruni said at 9:26 AM on November 26th, 2007:

    Thanks for the easy to understand post on about this on your blog. I added the feed using the Notes feature. When I try the WordPress one it does not show my blog in the drop down. I’m thrilled that it only took a few minutes to add my blog through the Notes feature.

    I’m definitely subscribing to your blog!