It’s Like Riding A Bike
Jan 27 2008

son-bike.jpgWe’ve all heard that saying.  Once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget.  I experienced the sensation ‘of riding a bike’ for the first time as a parent this weekend.  Our 5 ½ year old son rode on his own.  He and I were both exhilarated!  I’m not sure who was more excited.

He hadn’t got on his bike since last year due to Holidays and weather and us being busy.  Plus since we are city-folk for some reason we don’t seem to have a lot of time to practice bike riding.  

On Saturday he saw his dad go for a bike ride and he wanted to go.  I told him I would take him later that afternoon.  We got him geared up and on his bike.  I walked next to him and held the handle bars for the first runs.  Then I slowly let go and held onto the back of his shirt.  He kept telling me not to let go but then slowly I let go and he didn’t realize it.  I told him “you are doing it on your own!”  He started laughing, talking, and smiling until he rode up on someone’s driveway and stumbled off the bike.  He did it several more times on Saturday and then again on Sunday, where he went even further.

He “got it!” Now his mind and his body know what the sensation is of riding on his own.  There is no looking back.  I felt so proud and the image of him riding away from my outstretched hand will forever be etched in my brain.  Oh and fortunately in a digital picture and also in a video. 🙂

“It’s like riding a bike.”  Right now I’m hoping starting another business, raising funds, and all the other fun stuff I’m about to do is like riding a bike.  Some things are easier and you know what to focus on and what not to but there are so many moving parts that maybe if I just keep repeating in my head “It’s like riding a bike” I won’t fall down as much or I guess I’ll be able to pick myself up faster and get right back on!

Author: | Filed under: Just For Fun, parenting, random stuff | Tags: , , , , , | 5 Comments »

5 Comments on “It’s Like Riding A Bike”

  1. 1 Suki Fuller said at 8:57 AM on January 28th, 2008:

    If you think about it, much of life is like riding a bike.

  2. 2 Aruni said at 5:22 PM on January 29th, 2008:

    Hi Suki – your comment got caught in spam! Sorry about that. So true that many things in life are like riding a bike.

  3. 3 thom singer said at 6:02 AM on January 30th, 2008:

    Kate just crossed this bike riding miles stone 3 weeks ago. Now there is no holding her back. She learned that just because something is hard to do does not make it impossible. A good reminder for us all!

  4. 4 Carole said at 12:19 PM on February 7th, 2008:

    That’s so exciting!

    I still remember my Dad helping me learn to ride my bike: I was afraid for him to let go because I didn’t want to fall, but I finally realized that I wobbled MORE when he was holding on; of course, I didn’t realize that until AFTER he let go and things all of a sudden smoothed out.

    Way to go! 😀

  5. 5 Aruni said at 8:09 AM on February 11th, 2008:

    @Thom – Yes, with practice even the things we perceive as hard can be accomplished!

    @Carole – Thanks! He wants to practice every weekend and yesterday he just started doing U-turns on the street. He crashed into the curb a couple of times, but he was just so excited he could turn around.