Look Forward to a Great Fortune and a New Lease on Life!
Jun 25 2008

Photo by: Unknown – could not find link to original creator

So continuing on the fortune cookie blogging escapade, I recently got a fortune (for some reason I eat at a lot of Chinese restaurants) that said “Look forward to great fortune and a new lease on life!”  Of course I saved that one.  I still have a few others on my home office desk that are a little more realistic, but who’s to say a great fortune and a new lease on life isn’t around the corner for me! 

I can definitely say that a new lease on life is definitely in the process of happening just by the sheer fact I’m doing something different day-to-day than I have before.  Whether it’s a good lease or a bad lease depends a lot on my landlords. 😉

The Austin American Statesman (the main newspaper for Austin) mentioned my new position today in their Up The Ladder are in the business section.  They happened to use a picture of me that’s probably 7 or 8 years old which was when I weighed 10 to 12 lbs more than I do now.  (Of all my New Year’s resolution goals, I have achieved the ‘lose 5 lbs’ goal and ‘take yoga classes’ goal but I’m still working on all of the rest – Sigh). For a more recent picture of me, you can check out the page where I show the articles I’ve co-written on the topic of success and entrepreneurship or even the About page

If you were too lazy busy to click through the Up The Ladder link above, my new day job is running Operations for the Austin Technology Incubator (ATI).  I am acting as the COO/CFO of this small organization (5 to 6 full time employees) that is part of the University of Texas at Austin (and yes subject to the positives of great HR benefits yet at the same time monumental bureaucracy).  It’s a very unique initiative in the university because it supports 15 or so technology companies by helping them get to market, find funding, and build their professional support network. 

The companies get access to student help, consulting support from the directors, flexible space allocation, senior advisors/talent, discounts from ‘incubator friends,’ etc.  ATI is supported by rent and membership fees it collects from the companies as well as grants it receives from various government related entities that are interested in creating companies (thereby jobs) and furthering technology related initiatives in the Austin area related to Wireless, IT, Biotechnology, and Clean Energy. 

My job duties are varied but include helping make sure operations run smoothly internally, the companies are supported, and we have enough money to continue providing a great service to Austin technology companies and the Austin community in general.  I’m most excited about the potential to help entrepreneurs – it can be a lonely/tough job and having been there, done that, and doing it, I believe I can at least share my experience and contacts. 

Now working for the University does not lead to great fortune, but I’m open to it offering a ‘new (and different) lease on life!’

Author: | Filed under: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, working mother | Tags: , , , | 7 Comments »

7 Comments on “Look Forward to a Great Fortune and a New Lease on Life!”

  1. 1 buffi said at 9:13 PM on June 25th, 2008:

    Wow! You sound so very smart & important! Though you always have been! I hope that this job turns out to be everything you want it to be!

    buffis last blog post..Thoughts while perusing my 20 Year HS Reunion Website

  2. 2 Aruni said at 9:38 PM on June 25th, 2008:

    @buffi – Thanks. The way one sounds and the way one feels are two different things. I remember getting A’s for creativity in writing in Ms. Tobin’s English class in HS but practically failing on grammar. Figured out the grammar thing in college somewhere…put the two together and voila! 🙂

  3. 3 Isaac Barchas said at 5:55 AM on June 26th, 2008:

    Regarding the “great fortune” part: the challenge at ATI is that you get to help *create* a lot of value for early stage companies, but there isn’t a (legal) way to *capture* your fair share of that value … unless we can figure out something new!

  4. 4 Erin Defosse said at 12:49 PM on June 26th, 2008:

    One can definitely interpret “great fortune” in a variety of ways. My sister in law (Aruni’s sister) sent over some new books for our kids that teach kids about “what matters most” in life. If those books have anything to say about “great fortune” it would be that “great fortune” is what makes you happy. So, the question is – will you be happy working at ATI? Time will tell! I certainly had a good time over the last 5 years there despite the monumental bureaucracy and inability to “capture your fair share” of the value we have created for companies.

    Erin Defosses last blog post..Next Austin Bilingüe Meeting – Wed, June 25, 2008 from 7 to 9 pm

  5. 5 Aruni said at 8:20 PM on June 26th, 2008:

    @Isaac – here’s to figuring out something new!

    @Erin – this is the 2nd time you’ve mentioned 5 years there and I’m wondering why you keep mentioning that. Hmmm. 🙂

  6. 6 Life Always Gets Harder Near The Summit (a.k.a. Brandon and the Homeless Dude) | entrepreMusings said at 7:54 PM on July 8th, 2008:

    […] trying to figure out how blogging fits in with my full time day job so I’ll continue on the fortune cookie fortune blogging escapade (they make for good post titles) until I figure it […]

  7. 7 A Dream You Have Will Come True | entrepreMusings said at 6:30 AM on July 30th, 2008:

    […] by Sandy Blanchard Yes, the title of this post is yet another fortune cookie fortune that I got at lunch at P. F. Chang’s yesterday.   And yes that means my brain is too tired […]