Adventures in Blogging
Sep 9 2008

I’m sure many of you have noticed that I haven’t been blogging as much recently.  It’s not due to lack of desire, but due to lack of time and mental energy.  I have a full list of topic ideas I want to blog about, but by the end of the day after interesting and bureaucratically taxing events, kids, dinner, husband, baths, teeth brushing, catching up on Babble Soft stuff and personal emails, I feel pretty dazed. 

I have blog posts floating around in my head with rarely enough thoughtful time to get them down in a post.  Fortunately, I have had some timely guest posters who have filled in some of the gaps. 

I can’t say I’ll be able to get to a blogging pace (in the near future) that can keep up with my blogging ideas given my current schedule and life situation, but so far I’ve done a better job at posting than Marc Andreessen, founder of Ning and formerly Netscape, who hasn’t consistently blogged since May 2008!  But he’s running a heavily venture backed company so I’m guessing he has just a few more people breathing down his neck than I do.  

I’m glad I’m not in his shoes right now in this economy, with the news constantly talking about the questionable results of social networks from a business model perspective, and with some of the widget partner issues his company is facing.  But Marc’s a tried and true entrepreneur so I’m sure he and his team will figure something out.  If not, he is a millionaire and married to a millionaire so chances are they won’t be out on the streets any time soon. 

Yep, it’s all relative and I’m thankful for the opportunities I’ve been given and the opportunities yet to come.  Thank you to all of you loyal readers for sticking around!

UPDATE: On an interesting note, Seth Godin, the famous author and blogger on marketing tips & ideas, did a post on September 10 called How often should you publish? and in it he says: “Key assertion: you don’t publish it unless it’s good. You don’t write more blog posts than you can support, don’t ship more variations of that software than your engineers can make marvelous.”  So I guess my haphazard blogging is OK because it fits what I can support!

Author: | Filed under: blogging, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, social networks, venture capital | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Adventures in Blogging”

  1. 1 Carole said at 9:05 PM on September 9th, 2008:

    See, this is why we have RSS feeds, and email updates…. If I had to remember to check your site, and there was never anything new, I might start forgetting to come back — but since I don’t have to do that, I’m always here when you DO have time to post! : )

    Caroles last blog post..Twitter Updates for 2008-09-08

  2. 2 Aruni said at 7:51 AM on September 10th, 2008:

    @Carole – you’re awesome! Thanks. 🙂

  3. 3 Paisano said at 9:14 PM on September 10th, 2008:

    I feel your pain, sister. I love google docs cause I dumps all kinds of ideas for blog posts in there. I have hundreds in there. Many started, most never will get done.
    As for blogging when you have a full-time job (I work in IT by day and blog by night but sometimes during lunch). The other thing that could help is using your cell phone to blog with tools like Utterz that can cross post the audio to your blog. I think will transcribe the audio to text…but for a fee.
    But being able to do an audio blog post while you’re stuck in traffic for long periods of time might be a way to kill two birds with one stone.
    Time is indeed at a premium.


    Paisanos last blog post..Your own Private Idaho?

  4. 4 Aruni said at 7:38 PM on September 11th, 2008:

    @Paisano – I really haven’t gotten into the audio/video blogging…not sure why. But having something like that can translate audio to text might be useful. I tend to think/talk in a non-sequitor way though. 🙂

    Right now I have several ideas, but a hurricane is about the hit the coast of Texas so I’m a bit distracted. Thanks for stopping by!