Chocolate Covered Raisins
Jun 2 2009

I have about 10 things I’m working on or should be working on from home stuff, bill stuff, to work stuff, to life stuff, to kid stuff, to sanity stuff and I’ve been just a wee bit scattered lately.

I have an ‘in progress’ post on books that’s been ‘in progress’ for a few weeks now, but I end up staring at it and not being motivated to finish it so I exercise my ADD traits and move to something else to stare at for a while.  I’m going to create another page on this blog eventually with links to the books I’ve read in the past that I highly recommend and maybe some of my current ‘in progress’ books.  I’ve got half finished poems, half finished song lyrics, and 1/4 finished books floating around in my computer, in my head, and on my nightstand.

So in order to distract myself further, I eat chocolate covered raisins from Costco (link to a picture of some random guy holding a tub of them).  It’s a big tub and it’s almost finished!  They are delicious and partially nutritious.  I like most things covered in chocolate… 😀

I will have to hold myself back from buying another tub the next time I venture to CostCo…I’ll just distract myself with the wine collection.

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4 Comments on “Chocolate Covered Raisins”

  1. 1 Nicole said at 9:31 PM on June 2nd, 2009:

    Yum! This reminds me of the “yogurt covered pretzels” I was buying my son thinking they were partially nutritious, but they ended up being Fudge covered! D’oh! No wonder they were so yummy! And, now I want some.

    Nicoles last blog post..Baby Temperament and Sleep Series: Mood

  2. 2 Twitted by aruni said at 2:25 AM on June 3rd, 2009:

    […] This post was Twitted by aruni – […]

  3. 3 Neena said at 4:17 AM on June 3rd, 2009:

    Hi Aruni –
    I have a weakness for chocolate covered raisins as well!

  4. 4 Aruni said at 9:05 PM on June 3rd, 2009:

    @Nicole – I don’t think I’ve seen or tasted fudge covered pretzels. They do sound yummy.

    @Neena – so good to hear from you!! It’s been a while. Chocolate covered raisins are divine. 🙂