Are Brilliant People Secretly (or Publicly) Miserable?
Dec 4 2011

I’ve seen a couple of movies recently that were really good and one of them got me thinking about how some brilliant people are very insecure and miserable.  The movie that made me think about this was My Week With Marilyn which is about Marilyn Monroe, Colin Clark, and Laurence Olivier.  Michelle Williams is a fabulous actress and seemed to really capture what was going on with Marilyn Monroe.  Marilyn was (and Michelle is) gorgeous and talented.  Marilyn was portrayed as very insecure and needing drugs just to cope with the pressure.  It made me think of Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Charlie Sheen, Owen Wilson, Woody Allen, etc.  All very talented but some were/are miserable, neurotic, anxiety ridden, mean, and/or drug addicts, etc.

The other movie I saw was The Descendents with George Clooney.  That was a very good, depressing albeit probably realistic movie.  George Clooney is talented & handsome and so far the press hasn’t indicated his misery out loud.

The kids and I also saw Happy Feet 2 (good, happy, but unrealistic) about penguins who, with the help of other animals, get out of a death trap and Arthur Christmas (see previous parenthetical comments) about a modern day technology driven Christmas.

Thank goodness for movies.  They let us escape our lives and get perspective by portraying the not so glamorous lives of other people.

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