Baby Tip by Babble Soft – Co-sleeping
Aug 30 2007
I know that people have strong opinions about co-sleeping but we found a happy medium. I strongly recommend using a co-sleeper
that attaches/sits next to your bed for several months after baby is born. We used the Arm’s Reach Original Co-sleeper with both of our children. With our son we placed it right next to our bed. First on my husband’s side because I was recovering from a c-section so when he was hungry my husband would give him to me so I could breastfeed him. Later we moved it back to my side but I wasn’t able to get any sleep because he moved so much so we moved him back to my husband’s side.
Our son was in the co-sleeper for probably close to 8 months. We started transitioning him to the crib around 6 months but it took us about 8 months to get him used to his crib. For several months he woke up so often that it was easier for us to keep him in our room. (This waking up every few hours sadly continued until he was over 3 years old…he still wakes up to this day.)
When our daughter was born, we put the co-sleeper at the foot of the bed (because we had a different bedframe and there was no footboard). This minimized the disturbances from movement that all of us experienced. She slept so well that we transitioned her to the crib at about 5 months. She is still a dreamy sleeper. Thank GOODNESS! The Co-sleeper also makes a great pack-n-play which we have used often. We still use it when we have visitors (because they stay in the guest room where her crib is) or when we go stay overnight with people who don’t have a crib or pack-n-play for her to use. It’s easy to assemble…not so easy for me to break down…but the positives drastically overwhelm the breaking down challenges. If you are thinking of co-sleeping, I encourage you to get a co-sleeper. Some people are comfortable sleeping with a baby in their bed but personally, I was downright nervous or shall we say petrified that one of us or the pillows/blankets would accidentally hurt them.
Note to new readers: these tips are based on our experiences, as well as those of our friends and readers. Please always consult with your doctor before implementing any tip that might impact the health of your baby. If you have a tip you’d like to submit please send an email to babblesoft blogger for possible inclusion. Please check the ‘baby tips’ category to make sure your tip (in some form or fashion) hasn’t already been posted. If it has been, feel free to comment on that post and support the tip. We also welcome respectful challenges to the tips because as is noted in our inaugural baby tip ‘everything is relative!’ We will, of course, give anyone who submits a tip we publish credit and a link back to their site!
Author: Aruni | Filed under: baby tips, sleep | 3 Comments »
I have to order this! I freak out that the baby is going to roll off the bed or im going to roll on top of her…what a great idea
Hi Veronica – How old is your baby? We have put our co-sleeper to great use!
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