A Random Post About Some Stuff
Apr 16 2009

If Seinfeld can do a whole TV show about nothing, I figure I can do one blog post about nothing much or much of nothing.  Well it is about something but nothing that requires a whole lot of thinking like some of my recent posts.

I just got back from a really neat event here in Austin at a place called Austin Museum of Art – Laguna Gloria called the Art of Business.  Business people who paint or take great pictures showcased their work and the highest bidder at the end of the night would win the piece.  I left before the end of the event.  I went because one of my co-workers was exhibiting a painting.  I realized when I was half way home that I should have taken a picture to put in this blog post.  I’ve asked her to write a guest post for me and she’s going to work on it next week.  It’s going to be on creativity and I can’t wait to see it!

I’ve started singing in my day job office more…to the delight of some people and to the dismay of others…mostly the interns because I made up a “Lame Intern” song when they didn’t show up to one of our happy hours.  It was to the tune of Nobody by Sylvia (link to YouTube video) and most of the interns are too young to have ever heard the song before.  It’s kind of early soft country.  I’m trying out a new voice teacher that was recommended by a friend I made at the Landmark Forum.  I got to know her better during the seminar series.  She’s probably as close to a professional singer I’ll come to know since she has sung at Austin legendary places like Antone’s.  It’s a very different style of voice learning than I’ve ever experienced before and so far it seems to be having an impact on my voice and even my confidence level.  It’s called Speech Level Singing and apparently people like Pavaroti and Barbara Streisand are coached that way.

I’ve been procrastinating heavily on updating the books for Babble Soft.  I’m about 3 months behind.   I did get our taxes done with the help of a tax accountant and we owed money this year for a variety of reasons.

I also have two more fortune cookie fortunes and they are:

A visit to a strange place will bring you renewed perspective. That’s good because I’m going to a strange place in June.

Hear with your ears but listen with your heart.  All I know is that heart listening can be a weird mixture of joy and pain.

OK, that’s enough of the random stuff for a blog filler post.

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