Venture Capital Human Capital (VCHC) report
Aug 7 2010

A long time Adviser/Mentor of mine, who also happens to be a very successful investor, sent me a link to the Venture Capital Human Capital (VCHC) report.  The findings were interesting but not too surprising (except for possibly the average age of the founding team, given I founded my first company at the “didn’t know any better” age of 26) from my vantage point.   I have embedded the report below so you should be able to scroll through the pages.

They say: “In part 1 of our first-ever Venture Capital Human Capital Report, we look at the race of founders, the racial composition of founding teams, age of founding teams and the # of founders of VC backed companies to see if there is any relationship between these characteristics and the VC funding received.”  Some of their findings:

  • 87% of Founders are White; All-Asian Teams Raise the Most Funding
  • Nationally, South Asian and East/Southeast Asians are funded to a similar extent
  • 83% of Teams are all White.  All Asian teams raise more money.
  • Average founding team is age 35 to 44 years old.
  • 39% of founders were CEO/Founders before.  Sales/Marketing and Product Management/Development were common previous roles.
  • Majority of companies have two or more founders, but a third are led by one founder.

Venture Capital Human Capital Report (Part 1)

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3 Comments on “Venture Capital Human Capital (VCHC) report”

  1. 1 Tweets that mention entrepreMusings » Venture Capital Human Capital (VCHC) report -- said at 6:50 PM on August 7th, 2010:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Aruni (entrepreMuse), hmp Staff. hmp Staff said: Venture Capital Human Capital (VCHC) report […]

  2. 2 jeteye said at 11:16 AM on August 8th, 2010:

    OK, what this tells me is:
    Asians can raise more money than whites/ non-Asians.

    Whites are a better investment than Asians because the use less money to start up a company?

    Teams have more success than individuals

    Older is better than younger for getting VC money

    It is good to have a sale/marketing background

    It is good to have at least one start up venture behind you

    Just my observations for what it is worth

  3. 3 Aruni said at 8:12 PM on August 17th, 2010:

    @jeteye – yep, all pretty valid conclusions!