Memories On Memorial Day Weekend
May 30 2011
I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend. I certainly spent a lot of time reminiscing about old memories with long time friends while the kids played during the day and into the wee hours of the morning when the kids were asleep. We created new memories with old and new friends. My kids had fun playing, swimming, playing games on the iPhone and Wii, eating hot dogs, seeing Kung Fu Panda 2, etc.
It’s great to have old friends to ground you and remind you of who you were back then and talk about how we have all changed and/or stayed the same. It’s good to have new friends who know you now (i.e., after kids). New friends open you up to new and different experiences because they don’t know who you are supposed to be, and they don’t let your old self hold back your new self. Under their influence you may be able to see and experience things you never have before.
But Memorial Day weekend is about remembering those Americans who died for our freedom. So, thank you to those who serve, who have served, and whose families support them while they continue to protect us so people like me can hang out with our friends during this long weekend. I’m ever so grateful that I live in the United States and have had the opportunities that I have had, including the ability to express myself on this here blog.
Author: Aruni | Filed under: blogging, national holiday | Tags: iPhone, memorial day, swimming, Wii | 3 Comments »
For memorial day, we put flowers on the grave stones of my grandparents, who both served in WWII. Sometimes we really need to think of the sacrifices others have made so that our freedom is ensured.
Very nicely said. It was wonderful to be with family and friends this weekend. We have two family members overseas and memorial day helped us to remember those who are fighting for our freedom and just how lucky we are to be Americans. God Bless!
@Toni – Wow, both of your grandparents served in WWII. That’s great. My grandfather did too, but he was in the British Army.
@Chlsea – Yes, we are lucky to be Americans. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.