Happy Mother’s Day 2012 – Keep Up The Good Work
May 12 2012

Happy Mother’s Day to all you fabulous mothers out there!  Being a parent and especially a mother these days is probably one of the hardest jobs on the planet.  Unlike an OB doctor, who can be liable for a kid’s physical health until they are 18 or sometimes 21, mother’s can be blamed or praised for their kids successes or failures until they die.

I have been blessed with great women friends who are amazing mothers.  Most of the older women I know have stood by their now mostly-out-of-the-nest kids through many ups and downs even if their own parenting styles and home situation might have had an impact on some of the “down” parts.  They realize they aren’t perfect and don’t expect their kids to be perfect either.

It’s not easy being an adult and raising kids when you sometimes feel like breaking down from exhaustion and other things because you are still trying to figure out life and yet you’re expected to model the best for them.  Most of the time motherhood is the greatest thing since sliced bread but sometimes you wonder how those little babies turned into talking beings.  Some of us can keep it together better than others and are the poster children of great motherhood, some of us are extremely narcissistic, and some of us keep it together too well and have little emotional connection with our kids.

It’s easy to brag and boast about your kid when everything is going great and the world sees them as well behaved “darlings.”  It’s not so easy when things take a turn down the road of bad health, abuse, depression, drugs, alcohol, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, emotional issues, divorce, differences of opinion, lifestyle choices, etc.  But to those mom’s and dad’s who accept & love their kids for who they and are there for them despite the sometimes disappointment, pain, health issues, talking back, expressions of sadness & anger, and embarrassment, this post is for you.

The photo in this post is from a card I saw in a grocery store.  I found it so hilarious I had to take a picture of it.  Inside it says “Keep Up The Good Work.” 🙂


Author: | Filed under: mom, mother, mother's day, parenting, working mother | Tags: , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Happy Mother’s Day 2012 – Keep Up The Good Work”

  1. 1 Adrian said at 6:10 AM on May 14th, 2012:

    That’s so heart touching! I love my Mom! and on this mother’s day i have gifted her a nice drive with me to her favorite places with dad! I love my mom n dad! Anyways thanks for such nice n lovely post! If there would have been any like button for this post i would have liked it by clicking on that post! Thanks

  2. 2 Happy Mother’s Day! | The Holland's Home said at 10:35 AM on May 14th, 2012:

    […] Happy Mother’s Day 2012 – Keep Up The Good Work (entrepremusings.com) […]

  3. 3 Amy Shaw said at 11:24 AM on May 15th, 2012:

    I’d like to second that motion. My wife is a great mother who juggles her business along with always being there for our two children. She’s like a superhero and I for one could never keep up that momentum.

    Heres to all the multitasking mothers out there

  4. 4 Aruni said at 12:48 PM on May 17th, 2012:

    @Adrian – There used to be a “like” button on my posts, but I’m not sure what happened to that area where you could share it with others. Thanks for the comment. Glad you get along with and love your mom and dad.

    @Amy – Sounds like your wife is a superhero and it’s good that you appreciate what she does!