To help celebrate Mother’s Day, Babble Soft is offering 20% off on purchases of any Baby Manager subscription during the month of May 2007. Baby Manager is a wonderful and unique gift that is especially helpful for first-time parents, parents of premature/sick babies, or parents of multiples. Gift cards and Email gifts available! Please enter coupon code MOTHER#1 on the Purchase Form.
Author: Aruni |
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While doing research for Babble Soft, I came across a company called Dad Labs. When I found out they were also located in
Austin, Texas (Hook ‘Em!), I had to meet them! So I contacted them and we had a laid back, friendly meeting in their (way down south) office/warehouse/recording studio a few weeks ago. Daddy Clay was nice enough to write a chuckle-provoking review of Baby Manager on his blog.
Troy Lanier, Clay Nichols and Brad Powell (the 3 dad-keteers) represent the ‘new’ dad: unashamed of participating whole heartedly in the lives of their children. What a great concept! An involved, hands-on dad usually means a happier, less stressed-out mom which usually means happier kids. I think Socrates (or was it Plato) came up with that logic: if A, then B, which ultimately results in C…just a guess. I wonder if either of those philosophers had kids? Hmmm. Maybe the dads at dadlabs will help enlighten other dads out there who just don’t seem to ‘get it’ yet. 🙂 Fortunately, I happen to be married to one of the enlightened ones…
Check out Clay’s interesting and sometimes awkward interview of the co-authors of Babyproofing Your Marriage. Also check out the dads’ nationally (at least regionally) acclaimed DVD: Due Dads – The Man’s Guide to Labor and Delivery. Yay Dads!
Author: Aruni |
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Last month we issued a press release announcing the new version of Baby Manager. Naturally, we were excited because it represented the culmination of months of hard work. So imagine our dismay when a Google search to see if any news outlets had picked up the release found that we had been mentioned by a prominent blogger — whose initial reaction was negative.
The good news is that the blog post generated a lot of comments. And the even greater news is that breastfeeding activist Jennifer Laylock softened her stance when Aruni Gunasegaram, co-founder of Babble Soft, posted a comment explaining how she came to create the Baby Manager program and the purpose the software is intended to serve. She and Aruni exchanged friendly e-mails and the original negative comment actually turned into something positive.
We’re happy to recommend Jennifer’s blog, The Lactivist, as a great resource for breastfeeding moms and especially for those interested in donating to milk banks. Check out our Blogroll in the right-hand column for links to online resources worth checking out.
And to find out if Baby Manager is right for you, click on the links to take a tour or sign up for a free trial.
— Connie Reece
Author: Aruni |
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Babble Soft has announced the launch of its Baby Manager Web and Mobile software. Helping parents keep up with breastfeeding, pumping, bottle feeding, medicine doses, and diaper changes, Baby Manager keeps families connected and focused on the health and well-being of their newborns. Family members, caregivers, friends, or health care professionals anywhere in the world can log on to watch the growth and development of baby. Users can even share pictures and exchange notes.
When babies are born they become the true managers of our lives . . . especially the first several months after they enter our hearts and homes! Baby Manager is a software application, with Web and mobile options, designed to help parents figure out their baby’s patterns and cues to ensure his health and happiness. No more wondering: “When did baby last eat?” “When did mom last pump or breastfeed?” or “When did baby have his last dose of medicine?” Caregivers can quickly look up the last time baby ate, took medicine, or had her diaper changed to determine whether she might be hungry, tired, need another dose of medicine, or just wants to be held.
What’s more, for busy breastfeeding moms, keeping track of pumping and medicine intake helps with the management of stored breast milk. Also, when asked, “What did you do all day?” breastfeeding moms can proudly and confidently show a report online, on a mobile device, or on paper the time they spent feeding their baby which can range from 3 to 6 hours per day (i.e., 20 to 40 hours per week!) depending on the baby and the mom. The application summarizes the data in easy-to-read graphs and reports that can be printed out to show friends, family members, or health care professionals.
Babble Soft’s president, Aruni Gunasegaram, a serial entrepreneur and mother of two, explains, “What’s advantageous about Baby Manager Web is not only its ability to help parents easily keep up with the basic information required by most pediatricians in the first months of a baby’s life, but also its ability to keep families connected.”
“The Windows Mobile platform allows people to customize their devices to meet their individual needs,” said John Dietz, group product manager for Mobile and
Embedded Devices, Microsoft Corp. “Applications like Baby Manager Mobile continue to expand the ways people can manage both their workstyle and lifestyle all on one device.”
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: babble soft,
baby manager,
technology |
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