I’ve been meaning to make some rattling noise and send some Link Love out to those bloggers kind enough to mention my posts on their blogs and am just now getting around to doing it. Here it goes:
The Literary Junkie
Brown Thoughts
down with the kids
customers are always
Startup Spark
Career Intensity
Working at Home on the Internet
The Twinkies – Adventures in Sleep Deprivation, Now with Tantrums
Thank you great bloggers!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging |
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I am currently working with a fab designer to create a custom blog design. The re-design should go live by middle of next week. I know you are all going to miss the standard, plain wordpress template I’ve been using! {insert sarcasm here} I am also changing the name of the blog and making it indicative of the fact that I’m the one that is doing the blogging…not Babble Soft…even though I’m the founder. 🙂
From what I’ve been reading at The Viral Garden, business bloggers really should not be blogging that much about their business anyway as people can only handle so many posts about how glorious it is. [They can just go to your company’s Press page to figure that out.] Duh! Took me a few weeks to get that, but now I understand. I will still of course have links to my current ventures and post about Babble Soft stuff (e.g., baby tips) from time to time because that is part of my life.
As people all over the world discover my blog, I hope they will get to know me and get a better understanding of why I started Babble Soft: to help new parents (and hopefully make a little money along the way). Maybe they will want to share our stories with the expecting and new parents, business people, and/or entrepreneurs in their lives.
I will be posting less frequently until we figure out how to migrate the domain name and not lose all of our permalinks and linkbacks. We could leave it www.babblesoft.com/blog but I think after some time that will get confusing. I’ve been meaning to ask Mack at The Viral garden why his blog URL is http://moblogsmoproblems.blogspot.com/ but his blog name is different. It still routes to his blog so I’m wondering if it’s just too hard to make the change??? I’ve been actively blogging for about 4 months now and have started to increase my rank on Technorati…I wonder if those link backs will all disappear. Maybe someone out there will know the answer.
I hope y’all (as we say here in Texas) will like our new name and design! I always take comfort in knowing I have the right to change my mind…but that would mean a ton of work to rebrand and change the URL which sounds like a good reason not to change my mind. So I guess the new blog name will just have to stay entrepreMusings for the rest of my life. 😀
Have a great weekend everyone!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging,
wordpress |
Labor Day weekend, after going to a birthday party for our son’s twin friends at Brushy Creek Water park and while our daughter was taking
a nap, I roped my husband and son into helping me create a new Avatar. The one I had been using was taken on May 21, 2003 less than a year after our son was born. Since I started blogging around May 2007, I figured I probably should get around to taking a more up-to-date picture of myself.
I was born with board straight, brown/black hair…not a curl or wave in sight. When I hit 8th grade I hated having straight hair and started perming it (a la the 80’s hairdo) until a short reprieve between 1997 and 2002. I got a few more perms until I became pregnant with our daughter in 2004.
After she was born, my hair experienced a miracle (or shall we say a hormonal shift) and I had naturally wavy hair. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised. I have to say in my 37 years of living, I have not been more happy with the state of my hair than I am now. Well most days that is…like everyone else, I still have bad hair days! It also helps that I found a new hairdresser who happens to charge less than 1/2 the price of the salon I used to go to.
Erin told me I should get a professional to take my headshot. I told him I didn’t have time and we didn’t have the money to do that and insisted that he help me. Plus I knew he would end up doing a better job than most professionals I could find…and he is much cheaper. 🙂
He worked a little of his Photoshop magic on it: played with the lighting and covered up some of the ravages of time. And voila, a new Avatar was born. The background is our off-white walls in our hallway. I am still going to leave the 2003 headshot on some of my older posts but going forward until the next major hair change, I’ll be using the new one. I also just noticed that the old one made me look a bit bright orange…
My mom and sister also had their favorites (i.e. the top two below). The bottom two our 5 year old took so of course I love those! The following have not been modified in Photoshop (i.e., no nice highlighted background plus all of the ravages of time and shiny spots are present). I thought twice about putting these up, but I believe it’s important to mix in a little reality from time to time…

Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging |

We have been struggling with some WordPress and WordPress Plugin issues for some time now (see here, here, here, and here) and we think we have finally come to some sort of manageable work around for the one that has taken the most time to figure out: Subscribe to Comments. Since Randa at Randa Clay Design first told me where to get the plugin when I asked the question on an eMoms at Home post, we have been trying to figure out how to make it work. The first step was to move to a self hosted blog, which we did. Then all of a sudden I wasn’t getting email notifications when someone was posting on the blog. We just figured that out recently. I was desperate for answers and we scoured the web and put a question on the WordPress.org Support Forums that never got answered and we later discovered was deleted.

I happened to attend an Austin Socia Media Club meeting where the infamous William Hurley spoke on open source software. Honestly, I didn’t know who he was or if he was famous or infamous before I attended…but apparently he’s quite famous. I liked his presentation style. He asked us if we knew what he was there to talk about and only about 3 people raised their hands. I did not raise my hand because I don’t know much about OSS. Instead of being offended, he seemed relieved because it made his create on-the-fly Powerpoint presentation even easier to give.
He asked us to raise our hands and throw out our questions which he then put on separate slides in order to address them one by one…which was refreshing. I, of course, asked him about WordPress and he affirmed our observation that generally you never get a satisfactory answer from the forums. He said one time at band camp he left what he thought was a reasonable question on a forum and got a response that said something like ‘you moron, you suck, you don’t know anything, you shouldn’t be allowed to own a computer.’ He replied trying to clarify his question and he was promptly denied access to the forum from there on out. This story makes me feel better about my often probably dumb questions. Another person asked him ‘why are OSS developers such Haters’ and he basically said that many of them a) don’t have any social skills or b) believe everyone should have the same god-like knowledge they do.
William (who goes by whurley) works at BMC and blogs at opensville was nice enough to offer to send our issue on to the WordPress guys he knows. Fortunately I think we figured it out before he had a chance to forward the email on to them because otherwise we would have had a lot of HATE coming our way!
OK, so enough with the background, here’s how we got the Subscribe to Comments Plugin to work. My genius husband, Erin, poked around the code in the subscribe-to-comments.php file. He commented out a piece of the code and replaced it with new code as he noticed that the errors were coming from our email server. Note that we are running WordPress 2.2.2 on a Windows Server 2003R2 computer with IIS 6.0 and PHP5. The code now reads as follows.

For the non-technical folks: when you put “//” in front of a line it becomes a ‘comment’ and not active code. This way if you ever come back to the code you have some idea of what changes were made or what functionality you were trying to achieve. Erin probably documents better than 90% of the coders out there mostly because he doesn’t code that often. 🙂
So now you’d think our blogging prayers were answered. But wait, the next day I go to Edit and/or Create a post and I am only able to see the Code view. Since I’m not a coder, it’s imperative I have a working Visual view to create or edit my posts. After asking me several times if I did something or someone else did something, Erin stated a few times that maybe someone hacked our site. Of course, I then get anxious and wonder who would want to hack our site and how could they do that (i.e., pelted him with questions). He then gets annoyed with me when I say maybe it has something to do with the Subscribe To Comments fix we did. He loudly tells me there’s no way what we did could affect posting and I said ‘why not?’ He said because it’s two different sets of code and starts his ‘don’t you know anything’ tone of voice. I then quietly deactivate the Plugin and all of a sudden I am able to see the Visual view. Oh it was a very sweet feeling when I told him I could now do my posts like I usually do. It most likely did not have anything to do with his code changes but with the Plugin itself, but nonetheless I had to smirk a little.
So I hope our pain will result in someone else’s gain if they happen to be experiencing the same issue. So now, I have to deactivate the plugin when I work on a post and reactivate it when I’m done! So that’s why I said in the title that it’s fixed – sort of. 🙂
Happy Labor Day everyone. If you are wondering why I’m blogging so late on a Saturday night it’s because Erin went to the first UT Longhorn football game of the season. The kids went down by 8:30 p.m. (after much negotiation with my son) so I said to myself now is a great time to blog. He just emailed me from his Crackberry to tell me they won but not by the number of points they were supposed to. So now he’s worried how they will perform in their next game against a team that is supposedly better than the team they played today. Hook ‘Em!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging,
wordpress |
1 Comment »
Thanks to my rocket scientist hubby (yes, he really is a rocket scientist), you can once again contribute your deep, insightful comments on my deep, insightful (uh huh) blog posts. Apparently, the comments.php file got corrupted so we replaced it with the original and voila now it works. We also figured out the comments issue we had related to not receiving emails when someone commented. It was an oversight on our part…we didn’t realize that after installing the ShiftThis.net plugin, we had to put an email address in the SMTP page under the Options tab. Doh! To our credit though we didn’t happen upon the right documentation during our prior searches. I guess since we didn’t know what words to search on we picked the wrong ones. I’m sure the WordPress.org support forum people hate us but honestly we had no idea and no time to figure it out. Still slogging through the Subscribe To Comments Plugin issues though. Our fortunes today might be the reason we can’t fix it today. There is always tomorrow to try again. 🙂

On another note, we experienced some bad lunch time fortune cookie mojo today at FireBowl Cafe. Some other friends of ours have told us they got some weird ones at Pei Wei too. Usually, we get some lighthearted, fun, cool fortunes but now they are buying theirs from another company (maybe the Chinese companies responsible for all the lead paint in our kids toys also make fortune cookies) that are downright yucky. Here are the ones we got today…we got 2 more than normal to hopefully override the bad vibes from the first set.
- Today has been a disastrous day. If you can’t beat them join them.
- Anything you do today is bound to fail (can’t remember this one exactly but this is what we recall.)
- There may be a crisis looming, be ready for it.
- A couple of extra bucks could be floating in your direction. (this one was at least somewhat positive)
All I have to say is YEESH! Not a good thing for China…
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging |
So for some random reason when you click on the Comments link on a post, the comments no longer show up. Everything was working fine earlier and then all of a sudden I can’t comment or accept comments from people on the blog. We are working on the issue. If you do have a comment you want to share, you can email me at blogger at babblesoft dot com and I’ll add it when we resolve the issue.
We are still having a problem with email notifications when people leave comments and we’ve spent weeks trying to figure that bug out but to no avail. I desperately want to activate the Subscribe to Comments WordPress plug in, but since no emails are being sent, it’s kind of pointless to do so.
Oh the joys of open source software! Maybe I’ll wake up in the morning and it will miraculously be fixed. Yeah, right! 🙂
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging |
Some of you may have noticed that I’m experimenting with moving things around in my sidebars. I’ve also taken advice from Wendy at eMomsatHome and have begun monetizing the blog. Since I didn’t win the lottery, I will have to rely on other means to make money to support my entrepreneurial addiction!
So if you want to buy anything from Amazon (i.e., gift certificates, books, baby stuff, etc.) please use the Amazon links on our site as we will get a tiny cut of the transaction. Go ahead and add a gift certificate to your Amazon shopping cart right now by clicking on the Amazon icon. You know you want to! 🙂

I was also accepted into the BlogHer Ad Network and am looking forward to seeing some really relevant and nice ads from them. Finally, I submitted our blog for Text Link Ads. So far I’ve only had one Spammer try to buy an ad on the site, and I respectively declined.

The biggest change is still yet to be determined: A new blog header and logo. I have entered Randa’s Pimp My Blog contest and the last day for entries is August 24, 2007. I’m not sure how or if I can get more entry credits but here’s another plug for the contest. I really enjoyed reading her recent Blasts from the Past post. She points to several of her posts and guest posts she’s done in the last 7 months…there is some great stuff there!
Finally, since I’m moving away from the status of newbie blogger and into the realm of ‘know enough to be dangerous’ blogger, I realize now that breaking the 1,000,000 mark on Technorati was not something to brag about because I reached a rank of 500,000 fairly soon afterwards and now I’m at about 265,000. Which is great news but I’ve since discovered that it gets harder and harder to move up the higher you go because you are competing with all the other wonderful blogs out there run by professional bloggers! But if you subscribe to my feed (hint, hint) and ADD Babble Soft’s Blog to your Technorati favorites (hint, hint), the higher we’ll be ranked and more amazing people like you will find our blog!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging |
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I am so excited to say that I was given the honor of guest posting on Wendy Piersall’s eMoms At Home blog. The title of the post is Entrepreneruship: A Blessing or a Curse? Wendy has been an inspiration to me and her posts have helped me immensely with getting my blog transferred to a self-hosted WordPress platform. Her tips on how to let the world know that our blog exists have been invaluable!
Thanks Wendy for this fabulous opportunity. Please visit her site and leave your great and profound comments there. 🙂
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging,
networking |
I was tagged for a blogging tip meme by Neena at A Mom’s Life – parenting tips for busy families. So here it goes:
-Start Copy-
It’s very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.)
Add the next number (1. 2. 3. 4. 5., etc.) and write your own blogging tip for other bloggers.
Try to make your tip general.
After that, tag 10 other people. Link love some friends!
Just think– if 10 people start this, the 10 people pass it onto another 10 people, you have 100 links already!
1. Look, read, and learn. ******
2. Be, EXCELLENT to each other. *****
3. Don’t let money change ya! *****
4. Always reply to your comments. ******
5. Spell check is your friend. ****
– http://thingsbymike.com/
6. Be the blog. ***
– http://www.meandmydrum.com/
7. Your readers are your treasure.**
– http://www.brownbaron.com/blog/
8. Learn From The Pros. **
9. Be creative and controversial*
– http://www.ahmadaffzan.com/
10. Use Trackbacks as a way to increase content and community. *
11. Post on a regular and consistent basis.*
– http://www.neenmachine.com/
12. Appreciate and understand the value of the HTML code <br clear=”all” /> especially on wordpress blogs.
– http://www.babblesoft.com/blog
-End Copy-
I just finished an 8 Random Things About Me meme so I don’t feel it would be right to tag the few bloggers I know again, so I’ll tag the person who tagged me for that one: Connie Reece at Every Dot Connects. 🙂
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging |

Randa Clay at randa clay Design is running a Pimp My Blog contest and a lucky winner will win a custom blog logo with a custom header! Oh I so hope it’s me because I desparately need to figure out a better blog design but I don’t have the time or more importantly the design skills to do it properly. As I mentioned in my 8 Random Things About Me post, I love Randa’s lime graphic in her header. It’s so vibrant and makes me think about sitting on the beach sipping margaritas!
I’ve been keeping up with her blog for a while now and she writes such informative posts for us new bloggers! Her post on The Ultimate Guide to Free Website Analytics is a MUST read.
I have even added her blog to My Technorati Faves and joined her community on MyBlogLog.
Randa – please, please, oh pretty please pick me! 😀
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging,
competition |
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A blogger I admire a whole bunch, Connie Reece of Every Dot Connects, tagged me for the 8 Random Things About Me game (meme?). I’m not sure what a meme is but it seems like a ‘tag your it’ kind of game and then you have to spend a bunch of time crafting a respectable blog response. 🙂
She helped me get up and going with my first blog and has given me advice and suggested connections that I should make in the blogosphere. All out of the kindness of her heart. What a big heart! I still have no idea what her “I’m my own first cousin” statement means. I made the mistake of commenting on her post as follows:
So here it goes:
1. I was born in Sri Lanka.
2. I used to ride on the University of Texas at Austin Equestrian team (which apparently does not have a working website) in undergrad. I always seemed to pick the craziest horses during competitions! 
3. I used to work at Mr. Gatti’s Pizza my junior/senior years in high school and the summer after my freshman year in college. I love their parmeson mix. My co-workers had a nickname for me: Pep-Aruni. Get it?
4. I have lived in Sri Lanka, England, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Texas. I have traveled to many more places than that.
5. I have lived in Texas now for 27 years. 8 years in Lubbock (Happiness is Lubbock, Texas in my Rearview Mirror was my favorite Mac Davis song), 4 years in Austin, 4 years in Dallas, and now 11 years back in Austin.
6. My first paying job was a paper route in Lubbock when I was 13 years old. I remember the cold, icy mornings delivering the Saturday and Sunday papers and the sometimes hot, dusty afternoons delivering the evening paper. I did this all on my 10 speed bike with one of those shoulder bags with pouches in back and front to hold the papers while I pedaled. I threw the paper with one hand and tried to avoid crashing with my other. Ah, those were the days…
7. I like to sing but right now I usually only sing in the car to the Top 40 tunes. After Babble Soft makes it (crossing my fingers), the next thing I will pursue is a singing career…probably won’t get too far since I’ll be in my 40s (or maybe 50s) by then. 🙄
8. I’m married to a White guy named Erin who grew up in Mexico City and who you would never know is 100% fluent in Spanish. He was born in the US and then moved to Mexico City with his parents because his grandmother (who is 86 years old) runs a restaurant there. He’s sometimes smarter than me and that’s why I married him. 🙂
Now I am not sure if I know 8 bloggers to tag since I’m still a new blogger (4 months and counting) and I’m not Marc Andreessen, but here we go (in no particular order). I’ve included links to the posts of those people who have already been tagged:
1. Carole Hayes – Alias Tex: Telling thier story to every stranger that arrives. Carole happend upon our company site by seeing a blog post at The Lactivist. Carole is one of our biggest fans and she is awesome! A news station in Dallas, WFAA, ran a story on Babble Soft on August 2, 2007 and she was the subject of the story. Interestingly, one of my friends in Dallas saw the piece and called me to tell me that she and Carole where in the same Mom’s group when her eldest daughter was born almost 7 years ago! Small, small world…
2. Clay Nichols – Daddy Clay’s Blog: it’s only pee – A fellow Austin, Texas entrepreneur demonstrating that it’s OK to be a great dad! He is co-founder of dadlabs.
3. Maryam Scoble – Maryamie: Maryam Ghaemmaghami Scoble’s musings about Life, Love and Everything Else… I heard about Maryam from none other than Connie Reece. She met Maryam’s husband, Robert Scoble, during SXSW, a music and film festival to end all festivals, held in Austin every year. Connie actually gave him a 6 month gift subscription to Baby Manager because apparently Robert and Maryam announced their pregnancy on twitter (still haven’t figured out what twitter is yet) but as of today we don’t know if Robert lost it or left it somewhere or even remembers meeting Connie. Maryam is so nice and responds to my comments on her blog. I’ve commented a few times on Robert’s blog but he seems to think I’m not worth acknowledging….probably because I’m not Marc Andreesseen. I just saw that he got Faceslammed by Bill Gates which makes sense if you think about it.
4. Thom Singer – Some Assembly Required – Thom is a fellow Austin blogger who I’ve known for years. He writes books on networking and how to be the best networker around! He recently got back from a trip to Ireland and said he kissed the blarney stone. My challenge to him is that the next time I see him, he has to demonstrate his newfound ability to persuade people to do things he wants them to do.
5. Mack Collier – The Viral Garden: blurring the line between company and customer. Mack has given me some links to some informative articles about business blogging and much needed words of encouragement!
6. Randa Clay – Randa Clay Design (already tagged) – I love her current ‘juicy’ lime graphic on her blog! I know I need to change my blog header but I haven’t had time to figure out how to modify the css file. I would love to have one as vibrant as hers someday. Her lime graphic makes me wish I was on a beach sipping margaritas. 🙂
7. Jennifer Laycock – The Lactivist: nursing out loud! (already tagged) – I admire her ability to get the word out about breastfeeding and offer her support and insight to so many of us who need it. I like the fact that she’s not preachy and aims to highlight the facts and the laws surrounding breastfeeding. She acknowledges that breastfeeding doesn’t work for everyone and we should not look down on women/families who choose to bottle/formula feed. I totally agree! I found her site, while doing follow up research on our launch press release and she posted a “not so flattering” post about Baby Manager. I think I have since recovered…barely… 😯
The following are ‘long shot tags.’ They are people who I know are extremely busy at the moment but would I’m sure have great responses if they have the time to respond. However, if one of them does answer (or points me to the post where they have already put down their answers to this game), then I would have met my requirement of 8!
8. Wendy Piersall – eMomsatHome: starting, running + succeeding in home business and blogging. I have learned SOOO much from her blog about ‘how to blog.’ She’s amazing. I will be doing a guest post for her in the near future. I heard about Wendy from again, none other than Connie. Connie met her at a conference and told her about me and later told me about her. Thank goodness because I wouldn’t have made as much progress on this blog without Wendy’s tips!
9. Marc Andreessen – Blog.Pmarca.Com: Often Wrong. Never in Doubt. I am fascinated by his writing on high-tech business start-ups especially since I’m on my second high-tech startup. When he was accepting comments, he actually replied quite often to my comments which was like ‘wow, Marc Andreessen responded to me on his blog. Totally cool. I matter in the universe now!’ He recently wrote a post called Why a startups initial business plan doesn’t matter that much. I totally agree. Now I can just mention Thomas Edison when someone asks me for a business plan. I emailed him to see if he would mind me tagging him, but haven’t heard back. I so enjoy his thoughts on startups that I’m hoping he will have the time to tell us 8 Random Things about himself. I even created a category just for him.
I think the protocol is that you link back to this post when you make your post. It has taken me days to construct this post from contacting people to see if they would mind being tagged, to determine if they had already been tagged, to adding links, etc. I’m cross-eyed now. I’m not sure I can handle another tag but I hope it’s clear why I could not leave Connie’s tag unanswered!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging,
Just For Fun,
marc andreessen |
I figured if Fred Wilson can blog about his musings on being a VC in New York, I can blog about my musings on being an Austin, Texas based entrepreneur visiting New York. I’m still here and will blog more about my trip when I return next week, but I have to say it’s been fantastic!
I made tons of great connections at the Working Mother Multi-Cultural Women Conference I attended and I believe many of them will prove mutually rewarding.
I have also been able to help my cousin with her new, very cute baby by taking ‘big brother’ to the park, distracting him from time to time, feeding him dinner sometimes, doing a few dishes, and holding the baby sometimes so she could rest. It is great hanging out with her and my aunt. We have also been catching up on all the family news and drinking a lot of red wine. My aunt is a brave woman because she watched all four of us kids for several summers when we were growing up.
I know those first weeks that a baby is home can feel isolating and I remember it was always nice to have someone I felt comfortable with around to talk to. Hopefully my cousin feels the same and I was sufficiently helpful. Since my aunt is here also it’s been easier to help out plus she’s a great cook. 🙂
All in all a good trip! More details to follow…
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: baby,
new york city |
I’m going on a trip ‘on my favorite rocket ship!’ Well not really a rocket ship but on my not-so-favorite cramped plane. I am attending the Working Mother Magazine Conference on Multicultural Companies in NYC next week. I was planning to go anyway to help my cousin with her new baby and wasn’t sure I would even get into the conference but after I booked the tickets, they emailed me to let me know I could attend on a scholarship basis. Yay! 😀
I’m looking forward to meeting some amazing women at the conference but most of all I’m looking forward to meeting my new little nephew! 🙂
With all the recent press about flying with kids, I’m kind of glad my kids are staying behind with their Dad!
So, as you may have guessed, posting will be light next week unless I have a brainstorm of ideas that I can write about and schedule for future posting.
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging,
working mom,
working mother |
1 Comment »
The move to our self hosted WordPress blog this weekend went reasonably well. We are still having problems with our feed (i.e., it was not being displayed/emailed with full text and images). For some reason the posts were coming through in summary format without images. After much purusing through the wordpress.org forums, Erin installed the Feedburner Plugin and just made a change to our original feed URL on Feedburner and now it looks like full text and images are showing up in the RSS feed. I’m going to put some images in this post to see if the full text post show up in the email that comes out tomorrow from Feedburner. Since we couldn’t find a lot of detailed documentation on this topic, we are not sure if the Plugin helped but we know changing the original feed URL did. It’s still unclear if it will work on Firefox readers.
The other big issue we are working on now is the Subscribe to Comments feature. I love that feature and first encountered it at the eMomsatHome blog. It’s so nice to get notification of comments left after yours on a post so you know if someone answered your question or asked a question of you or just to see what people are saying so you can learn some new stuff! We have installed the Plugin and we see all the appropriate boxes and fields. We’ve entered what we think is the right information but it still seems as if it’s not working. Apparently, we are not the only ones experiencing this same issue…see the comments on this post. This is doubly troublesome because I’m also no longer getting email notifications when comments are made and held for moderation. If I happen to log in to the admin site, I’ll all of a sudden see that there are comments waiting for approval!
So it looks like we will have to deactivate the Subscribe to Comments feature until the creator figures out what is happening. Darn! Slowly but surely I’m sure we’ll (or shall I say my husband) will figure them out. 🙂
Now for some images/pictures:

Baby Manager Web and Mobile
Burning Questions
The official FeedBurner weblog.
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging,
technology |

I have so enjoyed using our wordpress.com blog platform that we just moved to a self-hosted WordPress blog on our Rackspace server for even more flexibility. A HUGE thanks to Wendy Piersall at eMomsatHome for her WordPress QuickStart Guide – WordPress Hosting and Installation and her WordPress QuickStart Guide – What Plugins should I use? posts. I’m now working my way through her 32 Internet and Marketing and Homebased How-To’s post and the post by Tech Wise Guy on 7 Steps for conversion from wordpress.com to a self hosted wordpress was invaluable!
The biggest thanks go to my husband, Erin, for doing most of the heavy lifting and intalling the platform and plugins on our server! 🙂
We are still working on some Feedburner (i.e., RSS feed and email subscription management) set-up/transfer issues but they seem really helpful and we should be able to resolve those issues soon.
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging,
wordpress |
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Recent Comments