Oh, Yes. It’s Been A While….
Oct 20 2013
It’s been a while for many things in my life but as it relates to this blog, it’s been a an extra long while since I’ve posted. Many good and time consuming things have happened (and keep happening) that have kept me slightly preoccupied.
That doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading some really good stuff (mostly short articles):
It’s True: You Talk Too Much – How to achieve the optimal 50-50 conversation flow – A Wall Street Journal article written by the writer of The Simpson’s. It’s a very true and funny read!
Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box (Amazon link) – A co-worker recommended this fiction book. It’s written in a story-like fashion and is very applicable to creating a positive work and home environment.
Why Are Hundreds of Harvard Students Studying Ancient Chinese Philosophy? – The Atlantic
IBM Watson fires its own cancer-fighting ‘moonshot’ – Venturebeat. Extra interesting to me since I know the guy leading the Watson project for IBM.
Below is an image about self service customer support tools created by Salesforce. I am wondering about beginning to write more formally about best practices in client services in a start-up, technology environment on my blog. It’s what I do for a living. I generally run client services and operations from beginning to end. I have managed all kinds of internal and external customers. I’ve been told (who knows if it’s actually true) that I’m a strong business networker with a credible reputation. Two of my Strength’s Finder strengths are “Woo” and “Communication” so it might be a good idea for me to start sharing some of my ideas on customer service. I will continue pondering…

Self-Service Portal: The Essential for Fast-Growing Companies — Brought To You By Desk.com
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