Interesting Links And Random Thoughts – August 2012
Aug 12 2012
Until I figure out a strategy for this blog, which may continue to be known for it’s non sequitur personality like it’s owner, here are a few interesting reads and observations:
The 11 Ways That Consumers Are Hopeless at Math – The Atlantic
It’s Alright To Cry – gapingvoid cube grenade
Where does trust come from? – Seth Godin. “Hint: it never comes from the good times and from the easy projects. We trust people because they showed up when it wasn’t convenient…”
“I don’t even know what I’m afraid of” – Seth Godin.
I wonder if there is such a thing as brown/tan-gray/silver color blindness. If so, I think I have it.
I’m so proud of my son for asking people to donate to mycharity:water, bringing clean drinking water to those without, instead of giving him birthday gifts. He exceeded his original goal by $160 so far for a total of $360! He never once complained or mentioned that he didn’t get any presents and was happy he could serve so many people & families.
Close friends and even co-workers can often know you and accept you better than your own family, who may only be able to see you in the box that you desperately and continuously tried to break out of most of your life but you let them keep putting you back in there until you couldn’t anymore.
Author: Aruni | Filed under: parenting, random stuff | Tags: building trust, color blindness, gapingvoid, my charity water, seth godin, the atlantic | 3 Comments »
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