WordPress 2.3 – Bring It On!
Sep 23 2007

Bloggers everywhere seem to be writing about the much anticipated WordPress 2.3.   We will be upgrading as soon as possible as well as making several other blog related changes such as:  migrating our URL from www.babblesoft.com/blog to www.entrepremusings.com, finalizing the new blog theme (it’s pretty much ready), updating all of our feed information on FeedBurner, Technorati, MyBlogLog, etc., etc. 

Based on the following nice note from Technorati, my blog will unfortunately lose its ranking and authority when we change the URL, but I figured it was better to bite the bullet now rather than later…mostly because I don’t like bullets. 

Hello Aruni, 

Please accept my apologies for the delay in getting back to you.  We’ve been experiencing a backlog in support and are working hard to address everyone.  I’m afraid that since the URL of your blog is changing, we currently are unable to combine or transfer links or authority from one to another.  This is because authority and links in our system are URL based.  Once the URL does change, it is suggested to contact bloggers who have linked to you and inform them of the URL change.  If they update the URL in their blogrolls these changes should be picked up and applied to your new URL as new links.  Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions. Thank you for using Technorati! 

Best Regards,
Janice Myint
Customer Support Specialist

As of 9:00 p.m. on September 23, 2007, our ranking is 210,401 with an Authority of 30.  Soon we will be kissing those stats good-bye and starting over from scratch, which I guess would put me at a bazillion (not a Brazilian) or something.  If you link to our site, I’d really appreciate it if you could update your link when you have a chance to www.entrepremusings.com.  Thank you in advance.  

If you are looking for some great info on WordPress 2.3, check out these posts:

Preparing for 2.3 by WordPress

Heads Up News on WordPress 2.3 by Lorelle on WordPress

WordPress 2.3 – What You Need to Know… by Problogger which refers to 10 Things You Need to Know About WordPress 2.3 by Technosailer.

Author: | Filed under: blogging | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “WordPress 2.3 – Bring It On!”

  1. 1 The Carnival Of Small Business Issues » Pat B. Doyle said at 5:04 AM on October 9th, 2007:

    […] Gunasegaram presents WordPress 2.3 – Bring It On!, saying, “As a small business owner, doing any renovations can mean a loss in ratings […]