I’m Applying for the Women 2.0 Napkin Business Plan Competition
Apr 7 2008

Go to www.women2.org to learn more

I’m applying for the Women 2.0 business plan competition in California for my company Babble Soft.  Thanks to Angie Chang for leaving a comment on my recent Economy and Entrepreneurs post letting me know about it.  At the time the deadline was April 1, but they’ve since extended it to April 15.  They encourage companies located outside of California (and the Bay Area) to apply so we’ll see if they will actually select a company from l’il ‘ole Austin, Texas.

It’s a pretty short application form that challenges even the most frequent twitter user (i.e., type your thoughts in less than 140 characters) with maximum character requirements between 210 to 410 characters to describe things like your target market, business summary, or competitive advantage!  It sure made me focus on picking what I believe are the right words.  The online application form is run by Angelsoft, which I mentioned in one of my SXSW posts.

I will be submitting my application later today and then mailing in my paper napkin with my best paper napkin handwriting ability (UGH!) soon thereafter.  I might have to ask my husband to write it for me because his napkin handwriting talent is much better than mine. 🙂

Wish me luck!!

Author: | Filed under: babble soft, competition, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, fundraising | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

8 Comments on “I’m Applying for the Women 2.0 Napkin Business Plan Competition”

  1. 1 Tanya Middleton said at 6:36 PM on April 9th, 2008:

    Good luck! Contests like these are so great, because sometimes they can help you define things about your business you hadnt realized before, and you dont even have to win to realize them. I actually work with Microsoft, and right now I’m really excited to spread the word about the “Vision to Venture” tour they’re having between April and May, which will consist of five live events. Featured speaker, John Jantsch is a marketing and digital technology coach, award-winning social media publisher, and author of Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide, as well as many other speakers offering industry tips. The tour is fully geared towards women entrepreneurs and savvy web gals.You can see more and register at http://smallbusiness.officelive.com/v2v/ so let me know what you think! And if you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to answer them !

  2. 2 Guess said at 3:44 AM on April 10th, 2008:

    Hi!! Guess who this is? I am now a momblog on Alltop and want to know if you want to help me plan a party. It will be sooo much fun! PS I put up a post about babblesoft did you see it?

  3. 3 Aruni said at 7:56 AM on April 10th, 2008:

    @Tanya – thanks for the link. Since I’m Austin I might be able to make your Austin event!

    @Guess (i.e., Greg) – Congrats on being a mom blog on Alltop. Great idea about a party.

  4. 4 Carole said at 10:56 PM on April 14th, 2008:

    Good luck!!

    I always kind of like things that force me to be concise; if I’m allowed to ramble, boy-oh-boy do I ever…! : )

    Carole’s last blog post..Sunday, April 13

  5. 5 GeekMommy said at 3:45 PM on April 16th, 2008:

    Very cool!!!

    When do you find out if you were selected?? I’ll keep all my digits crossed!! 🙂

  6. 6 Aruni said at 6:25 PM on April 16th, 2008:

    @GeekMommy – I think they will inform us by 4/17 (tomorrow!). Even if I’m not selected, I’m hoping to attend and meet a bunch of great people.

  7. 7 Aruni said at 6:26 PM on April 16th, 2008:

    @Carole – I know what you mean. Twitter has helped me with keeping thoughts short and to the point, but if I get into a discussion, it’s hard to keep it short and sweet. 🙂

  8. 8 entrepreMusings » I’m a Semi-Finalist for the Women 2.0 Napkin Business Challenge! said at 8:21 AM on April 17th, 2008:

    […] made it to the semi-finals for the Women 2.0 business plan competition in California for my company Babble Soft! It’s so exciting because it’s a great […]