The Twouble With Twitter
Jun 7 2011

I’m sure that’s not a unique blog post title.  I’m trying to figure out if I can get back engaged in twitter.  It was a useful tool and a great way to stay connected when I was working on Babble Soft from home.  Now Babble Soft is up for sale by my business partner, and I’ve been at a full time job day job for three years.  I was a relatively early adopter of twitter (@aruni), and I think I started losing my interest in it probably about two years ago.  I’ve hardly tweeted much the past year and half or so except for when I’m at events like SXSW Interactive.  My blog posts feed automatically into my twitter stream as well as into my facebook account.

I currently have over 2,200 followers on twitter who probably a) really don’t read my tweets, b) are happy with links to my blog posts, or c) think I’m somebody else.  I guess I was somebody else back then and I’m somebody else right now.  I’m just wondering if the somebody I am right now has the time or use or I guess more importantly the ability to contribute meaningful tweets to my followers.  I guess time will tell…

Author: | Filed under: entrepreneurship, twitter | Tags: , , | 7 Comments »

7 Comments on “The Twouble With Twitter”

  1. 1 Jason Mitchev said at 8:21 AM on June 8th, 2011:

    I’m so behind on this one… haven’t even create my twitter profile, always a last thing on my to do list and somehow never gets done.

    What do you think about outsourcing Twitter profile management? I hear so much about it but haven’t decided if it would provide any value or not…

  2. 2 Musthafa @Technology Blogger said at 2:58 PM on June 8th, 2011:

    yep.. People rarely care about links in Twitter tweets.

  3. 3 Nipon said at 6:56 AM on June 11th, 2011:

    You can outsource twitter management service mate as Jason says,but it can be costly.Again,I am not sure if it will going to add any value

  4. 4 Sammy Gough said at 3:39 PM on June 11th, 2011:

    Its funny twitter and facebook its almost like a pride thing …You have to have it and you have to have lots of followers or friends – its like schoolyard pressure to be with the cool kids.

    I was addicted to twitter have a few thousand followers – they are mostly meaningless however.

    The facebook thing…just cant get into it – have tried a few times…I dont trust people knowing what my life is up to – I want a separation online vs my actual life

    Both I know are good for business- however – I have never purchased anything from either site where I have seen ads…

  5. 5 Chelsea said at 2:15 PM on June 12th, 2011:

    All I hear about is how successful people are with Twitter. Honestly I just can’t get myself to invest the time.

    @Jason – I’ve looked into outsourcing this, but I just can’t seem to justify the amount of money they charge and the return I can reasonable expect from it.

    Maybe I’m just old, but I’ve been focusing more on Facebook.

  6. 6 Alex said at 10:01 AM on June 17th, 2011:

    Well, I think its important to have Twitter presence if for not other reason than to have you site indexed quicker.

    It is well known that Google crawls social network a lot more frequently and chances of them in process discovering new content on your site become greater.

  7. 7 Aruni said at 7:54 PM on June 20th, 2011:

    Thanks everyone for the great comments! Twitter and facebook all of their audiences and I think their usefulness also depends a little bit on your state of mind and state of career at the time you use them. 🙂