Playing The Letters You Are Dealt
Dec 18 2011

You’ve probably heard life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.  It’s true from my perspective.  People react to proverbial bad news in different ways.  I’ve been given bad news that in hindsight (or even on the spot) was actually great news!  It usually doesn’t feel that way to most of us at the time it’s delivered though.  I don’t know why some of us dust ourselves off, get back up, and re-invent ourselves while others sink deeper into the sofa.  Believe me there have been many times that I’ve wanted to sink deep into the sofa and eat tons of chocolate, but something inside me (oh, and those two kids of mine who need to eat and go to school) makes sure I get up, eat just a wee bit of chocolate, and keep going.  Fighting the demons inside your head can be the hardest thing to do, especially when your life has turned out differently than you envisioned or others envisioned for you.

A good friend of mine introduced me to Words With Friends (pretty much like Scrabble) and I’m hooked.  My kids are hooked.  I’m playing several games with several friends right now.  Each game is different.  I’ve lost most of them so far because it’s been so long since I’ve played Scrabble and the words that are OK in Scrabble/WWF are not always used in the real world.  Plus, my kids (i.e., cute and cuddly meddlers) will all of a sudden play small words that don’t have a lot of points.  Each part of your life is different.  The basic rules, from my perspective, are the same but everyone is dealt a different hand, cards, letters and playing them the best we can is what counts.  Also, I’ve found that shuffling the letters (i.e., your perspective) lets you see things you might not otherwise see.

So play the letters you are dealt.  Sometimes you’ll make tons of points and sometimes you’ll make a few.  Sometimes you’ll win and sometimes you’ll lose, but there’s always another game to be played.  I’m curious as to how often people use the word “Qi” in their daily conversations? 😀

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