This is a Test with Images
Apr 27 2014

I think I might have finally found the code culprit (with lots of help from friends and one who also happens to be a co-worker plus talented developer) that was causing the spam issue with my blog.

Cosmos_spacetime_odyssey_titlecardThis is a final test to see if it still works if I insert an image.  Since the kids and I have really been enjoying watching COSMOS every week, here’s an image for that show with a link back to wikipedia.

Hopefully, I will check my email in the morning and see another spam free post!  Although it’s taken a long time for the right person to help figure out the issue (crossing fingers), it least it hasn’t been billions and billions of years. 🙂 Good night.

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One Comment on “This is a Test with Images”

  1. 1 Gary Starkman said at 9:57 AM on April 29th, 2014:

    Hope it works out!