Time Flies When You Are On Vacation
Jun 21 2011

The kids and I just got back from a great vacation visiting family and friends.  Of course when you go on a vacation with little kids, you need a vacation from your vacation.  However, multiple flights and activities later, we all felt it was worth it.

There is so much to blog about that’s going on in the world of business, parenting, technology start-ups that I wish I had more time in the day to write about all of them.  But getting the kids settled into the summer camp schedule has been the priority since we got back.  So far so good since their camp has tons of sports, swimming, and creative activities to keep them busy all day.  Plus, I’m starting to wonder if the transference of knowledge from my brain to my fingers has slowed down a bit.  I think it has something to do with the record 100+ degree heat here in Austin!  This past week it got up to 105 degrees, which really should be heat you only read about in science fiction, but yet here it is.

Stay cool everyone…

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