Spring Has Sprung
Mar 20 2009

Today is the first day of Spring and it’s an absolutely gorgeous day here in Austin, Texas!   Many of us seem to have Spring Fever at my day job.  I remember when I taught entrepreneurship at the University of Texas at Austin business school how hard it was to get the students to focus in the Spring semester.  Everyone’s minds were wandering this way and that…which is partly the reason teaching in the Fall semester is much easier. 🙂

There is just something about Spring that evokes the strangest mix of feelings in all of us.  So I left a little early today and came home to hang out with hubby and our daughter, who is off from school.  When I came in she was taking a nap on the little futon sofa in the entry way to our house and she looked so adorable that I was compelled to lay down next to her and relish the warmness of her body.  I lay there for a while looking outside the big bay window that faces our front yard.   I watched the greening trees wave slightly against the blue lightly clouded sky.  I heard and felt her breathing.  The world was so peaceful and everything seemed just so right for that seemingly brief moment in time.

When she woke up, she turned to face me, smiled, and started looking into my eyes for a while…not saying anything.  I looked straight back at her and smiled a big smile and told her how beautiful she was.   She then asked me why my eyes were black.  I asked her why hers were brown and she said “I don’t know.”

How blessed I am.

Yes, Spring has sprung.

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