It’s been a while since I’ve shared a Parent Story and now we have a great one! I met this fabulous mom (Kerry Reynolds), who also happens to be a doula, on twitter. I was introduced to her by none other than her mother, Susan Reynolds, of Frozen Pea Fund and Boobs on Ice fame! Check out the post I did on the Frozen Pea Fund back in December 2007.
Stories like these are what keep me going and and make all the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur building Babble Soft all worth while!
Mother: Kerry (SAHM/Birth Doula)
Father: Mike (Project Manager)
Baby: Emma
Born: April 2008
Place: Burke, VA
Browser: Mozilla Firefox v2.0.0.11
Kerry’s story
Emma is my second child and her birth was long awaited as she was seven days overdue! Labor lasted 20 hours and was exhausting. In the process I was up for 50 hours straight and was so ready to come home. After Emma was born we brought her to her first doctor’s appointment only to discover she had a worrisome case of baby jaundice. We were concerned about her health and the doctor told us to make sure we kept careful watch of her weight gain, feedings, and diapers. We were very worried about little Emma but little did we know at that time, jaundice would be the least of our concerns.
When Emma was one and a half weeks old she had a frightening episode which resulted in a trip to the emergency room. We discovered she has a heart condition called Wolffe Parkinson White and learned she would need to be on a heart medication until she reaches three years old, when her heart will be large enough to have a surgery to correct the defect. After three nights in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) we arrived home frantic and sleep deprived, her medication schedule had to be so exact that we needed Baby Insights to help us keep track of every detail of her routine. In addition, her dosage was on a schedule to increase as her weight increased so it was imperative that we monitor it closely.
Babble Soft helped us through some challenging times
The information I got from using Baby Insights was and continues to be extremely useful! It helped us think in a time we could barely add two plus two or string coherent sentences together. The ability to go to one place and see all of Emma’s information was a life saver. I use Baby Insights to:
- Keep detailed notes on how often and when she was eating, which helped us track improvements in her jaundice and report feedings to her pediatrician and cardiologist.
- Monitor her diaper changes so that we could feel comfortable she was in fact absorbing her food and that all was working well.
- Monitor her heart medication which helped us remember the exact time and dosage as that is a critical part of keeping any further episodes at bay.
- Keep track of how much breast milk I was pumping to make sure we had enough to give to baby Emma and to ensure my milk supply would stay steady and increase over time.
- Stay aware of any decreases in her appetite as this could be a sign of another episode with her heart.
If you are interested in participating in your very own user story, please activate a FREE Babble Soft Trial. All you need is an email address! If you find that Babble Soft applications work for you and you want to tell the world about your great experience, please email us at info at babblesoft dot com for more information.
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: babble soft,
baby insights,
breast milk,
case study,
parent stories,
pumping |
Tags: babble soft parent testimonial,
baby heart condition,
baby is overdue,
baby jaundice,
birth in bloom,
susan reynolds,
Wolffe Parkinson White |
I babble about business, babies, and parenthood on this blog, so those of you who come here to read my posts on entrepreneurship but do not have babies, please forward this post to your friends and family who do have babies. For those who have babies and dabble in business, these tips might be right up your alley. If you have babies and no interest in business, then send it on to the folks you know who are knee-deep in business and encourage them to have a baby! To check out more baby advice, check out the baby tips category.
7 Tips for Successful Breastfeeding
by Aruni Gunasegaram
My now 5 ½ year old son was born by emergency c-section making my post birth recovery time challenging because a) I was exhausted, b) he didn’t seem to sleep very much and c) I developed a breast infection. Now a) and b) are par for the course when having a baby but c) knocked me senseless. I didn’t want to take any more medication given that I had just come off of several after the c-section so I waited to see if the pain would go away. When I reached the point where I would wake up from a restless sleep with tears in my eyes from the excruciating pain and I began having thoughts like “I wish I could die right now, but I can’t because I have to feed my baby,” I began a round of antibiotics. Within a week or so I felt sane again.
Now part of the reason I contracted the breast infection was because I wasn’t breastfeeding correctly. It took about 7 to 10 days for my milk to come in and then because of the infection probably 10 weeks for me to quit wondering how the human race survived before bottles and formula! I ended up breastfeeding our son for about 7 months and our daughter about 9 months when it was apparent to me that we were ready to move on to the next phase of our mother/baby relationship. Here are some tips that helped me establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with my children.
1. Mentally prepare yourself that it can take up to 8 to 12 weeks. Some insightful person…maybe a nurse or my lactation consultant, told me “Give it 8 to 12 weeks before making a decision on whether you want to quit breastfeeding.” So I told myself ‘this is a marathon, breastfeeding is important to me and my husband, and I can’t quit before 12 weeks.’ I remember saying that to myself almost every day and when I was 10 weeks into it I realized “Wow, this isn’t so bad. In fact it’s pretty darn neat!”
2. It’s OK to supplement! I know I will be chastised by the pure breastfeeding advocates for saying this, but in my opinion it is OK to supplement with formula especially if you feel something is wrong with you or your baby. I was so afraid to supplement because I was repeatedly told that supplementing was the worst thing I could do, which of course made me feel like an awful mom. But let me tell you, if you are exhausted and your baby isn’t gaining weight, it is one of the best things you can do. After feeling guilty for a week because my milk wasn’t coming in and my baby wasn’t gaining weight, and trying to survive a breast infection, I decided to supplement just a little bit and what a relief because it helped me gain my confidence back. I had more confidence when our daughter was born 2 ½ years later. I smiled at the nurses who said I shouldn’t supplement and did it anyway for the first few weeks of her life. UPDATE: Based on a reader’s comment below, it wasn’t clear that even though we supplemented in the first several weeks, I also continued to pump. It is so true that if you quit pumping, your body will think you need to produce less milk. So I pumped and I took time to rest a little longer to build up my milk supply and that’s why my milk came in! Supplementing is not for everyone but in my opinion the sanity and health of the mom and baby are of utmost importance!
3. Don’t be afraid to take that baby off! Some well meaning nurses told me that when the baby is finished he will fall off. They didn’t know my son. He would stay on for over an hour on each side just suckling half asleep if I let him. I remember breastfeeding sessions that would last 90 minutes which when I had to start over again in an hour and a half reduced me to tears. I believe not pulling him off when I thought he was done contributed to my getting the breast infection. With my daughter I produced so much milk that after 8 to 10 weeks I was able to take her off sometimes at 7 to 10 minutes!
4. Keep a breastfeeding log. So that you have an idea of how much time you are breastfeeding and maybe even what position you are breastfeeding in, keep a breastfeeding log. When our son was born I used a form I created in Microsoft Excel to jot down often illegible notes. Fortunately when our daughter was born, we had an alpha version of our mobile software program, Baby Insights, available. I could easily keep track of my pumping and breastfeeding schedule which helped me understand her feeding patterns and how much milk I was producing.
5. Drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of fluids, eating well, and getting good rest is a huge contributor to successful breastfeeding. In fact a vast majority of breast milk is water. Keep a bottle of water next to you when you breastfeed.
6. Ask and/or pay for help. Whether it’s a lactation consultant, a post-partum doula, your significant other, or a friend who has breastfed before, ask for help. A good lactation consultant can give you great tips on how to get your baby to latch on and feed properly. If you can afford a post-partum doula a few hours per week, they can be a god-send with both household and breastfeeding support. Ask your spouse to help you keep the breastfeeding log, bring you water, fresh fruit, snacks, and the baby!
7. Relax. I know this is easier said than done, but I found the more relaxed I was, the more my milk flowed. Lack of sleep and stress actually reduces your body’s ability to create breast milk. And worse you may start to resent the process and maybe even your baby! Watch a funny show or movie. Take a nap. Take a leisurely walk. Chat with a friend. Or just bawl your eyes out…we all know what a stress relief that can be!
Once your milk flow is established consider donating to a Mother’s Milk Bank near you. I donated to the Mother’s Milk Bank of Austin with my daughter and it was a wonderful feeling knowing that my milk was going to help sick and premature babies.
If you like this tip, you might be interested in these too:
Increasing Breast Milk Supply by Carole Hayes at Alias Tex
15 Tips for Surviving The World’s Youngest Insomniac by Rose at From the Park Bench
Why Keeping a Daily Journal Is Important for Moms and Nannies
How To Properly Swaddle A Baby
Tips on Co-Sleeping and Ways to use a Co-sleeper
Keeping a Baby Food Journal by Neena at A Mom’s Life at
Note to new readers: these tips are based on our experiences, as well as those of our friends and readers. Please always consult with your doctor before implementing any tip that might impact the health of your baby. If you have a tip you’d like to submit please send an email to blogger at babblesoft dot com. Please check the ‘baby tips’ category to make sure your tip (in some form or fashion) hasn’t already been posted. If it has been, feel free to comment on that post and support the tip. We also welcome respectful challenges to the tips because as is noted in our inaugural baby tip ‘everything is relative!’ We will, of course, give anyone who submits a tip we publish credit and lotsa link love!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: baby,
baby advice,
baby care,
baby insights,
baby tips,
breast milk,
breastfeeding schedule,
milk banking,
pumping |
Tags: baby advice,
baby food journal,
baby sleep,
baby swaddle,
baby tips,
breast milk supply,
breastfeeding schedule,
breastfeeding support,
co-sleeping with baby,
from the park bench,
how to swaddle a baby,
milk banking,
Mother's Milk Bank,
successful breastfeeding |
To help illustrate how different people use Babble Soft web and mobile applications, we have created family user stories. I am grateful to the families who are willing to share their time, pictures, and energy to write/edit these case studies with us! To see our other user stories please check out our Testimonial page or click on the user stories tag.
Jacob’s Family: (pdf)
Mother: Lea (Financial Reporting Manager)
Father: Chris (Partner/Marketing Consultant)
Baby: Jacob
Born: September 2007
Place: Newport Beach, CA
Browser Used: Mozilla Firefox v2.0.0.11
Jacob, Lea and Chris’s first child, was born via unplanned C-section after a long and arduous labor. While in the hospital, Lea was asked to keep track of Jacob’s feeding and diaper activities using generic paper hospital forms. She had planned on entering the information into Baby Insights, which she had already set-up prior to Jacob’s arrival. Unfortunately the papers were lost in the shuffle between the hospital and home, so she started entering information into Baby Insights four days after Jacob was born.
Prior to leaving the hospital, Jacob’s pediatrician recommended formula supplementation as Lea was concerned about breastfeeding following the c-section. Lea’s milk did not fully come in for over a week, and with breastfeeding, pumping and formula feeding, using Baby Insights was tremendously helpful in keeping track of Jacob’s feeding schedule and intake. Baby Insights was also very helpful in tracking Jacob’s diaper activities. A feature of Baby Insights that Lea wasn’t initially aware of, but came to use extensively, was medicine dose recording. She was taking three separate pain medications to aid in her recovery from the C-section.
Lea’s Experience
The information I got from using Baby Insights was so helpful! I really liked the fact that I could go to one place and see all of Jacob’s information at a glance. In hindsight, I wish I had bought a PDA or smart phone before Jacob was born to make entering the information easier! Some of the benefits I gained from using Baby Insights are:
- Since we were supplementing with formula, it helped to see how much formula versus breastfeeding time he was receiving. It’s been fascinating to see how the two amounts have changed over time. The Daily Summary report was beneficial as it calculated the total amount of milk we gave to Jacob.
- It was great to see how much I was pumping to get an idea of how much he was getting at each feeding. Knowing this helped me make decisions about how often and how much to supplement.
- As a first time mom, managing my time throughout the day can be quite challenging. Baby Insights helped me see how much time I was spending breastfeeding and pumping so I could better plan my day.
- Tracking my pain medication using Baby Insights was particularly helpful during my recovery from the C-section. I was taking 3 different pain medications at varying times and being able to view my medication schedules became one of my favorite Baby Insights tools!
If you are interested in participating in your very own user story, please activate a FREE Babble Soft Account. If you find that Babble Soft applications work for you, you want to tell the world about your great experience, and you are interested in being a part of our media campaign, please email us at info at babblesoft dot com for more information and a hook-up! 🙂 We plan to do a family story every one to two months so please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested.
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: babble soft,
baby care,
baby insights,
breastfeeding schedule,
pumping |
Tags: babble soft,
babble soft family user story,
baby care,
baby help,
baby insights,
baby insights family user story,
baby software,
baby tracking,
breastfeeding schedule,
software for parents |
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I babble about business, babies, and parenthood on this blog, so those of you who come here to read my posts on entrepreneurship but do not have babies, please forward this post to your friends and family who do have babies. For those who have babies and dabble in business, these tips might be right up your alley. If you have babies and have no interest in business, then send it on to the folks you know who are knee-deep in business and encourage them to have a baby! 🙂
Since there were so many views of my first baby tip on Increasing Milk Supply post, and I saw on Carole’s blog recently that she was dealing with the exact same issue, I asked her to write up a baby tip based on her experience for my readers. Carole is one my faithful blog readers and a Baby Insights user. She has 3 kids at home and blogs at Alias Tex. She is an amazing person and an awesome Mom! Thank you Carole for a great baby tip!

I’ve nursed three babies and have had supply issues with all three. I was not able to correct the issue with the first two, so I ended up supplementing with formula both times. When I discovered that my supply was low the third time around, I decided to work with a lactation consultant. I ended up supplementing with formula for about a month; in total, I think Christina ended up having about 2 1/2 cans of formula before my supply was enough to make it unnecessary. Here are the things we tried, in the order in which we tried them:
– Pumping. I pumped as often as I could, but at least 5 or 6 times a day, for at least 10 – 15 minutes each time. (The pumping was in conjunction with all of the other things I was doing — I’ve heard that for some women, pumping alone can help, but I wasn’t one of them.)
– Herbs. I took fenugreek, blessed thistle, and alfalfa — the highest dose of each that I could find at Whole Foods — two or three of each, three times a day. (This did increase my supply some, but not enough that I could stop supplementing.)
– Domperidone* — I take 20mg capsules. I started out taking five of them a day, then — once my supply was established — dropped down to four. I tried cutting back to three and discovered that that was too low to maintain my supply, so I rented a pump for a week and jumped back up to five pills a day again. Now, I’m down to four capsules a day, and I have enough milk that Christina only nurses one side at a time — and doesn’t usually even empty that one! (I don’t like having quite that much extra milk, so now every couple of days I’ll take only three capsules — it seems to be working out….)
– Oxytocin nasal spray** — 1OU/ML. (1 spray in each nostril, 2 – 3 minutes before nursing.) In addition to my supply issues, I’ve had problems with my letdown reflex. Sometimes it worked just fine, but it was not uncommon for me to nurse her for 45 minutes or more without having a letdown! I also tended to have them at random times throughout the day/night, and then I couldn’t have another one for at least an hour, so I had to try to nurse her whether she seemed hungry or not! The nasal spray has changed all of that: if I don’t have a letdown when Christina starts nursing, I use my nasal spray and I have a letdown within a couple of minutes. The only times it hasn’t worked are when I was experimenting, trying to see if I could do just one nostril, or use a drop instead of a spray. (It does work as drops, but I have to do a couple in each side, not just one.)
Now that I have it all under control, my days of sobbing in frustration seem like a bad dream — it almost makes me want to have another, just so I can see what it’s like to get it right from the start! Imagine: me, with a baby who has never tasted formula…. It could happen! : )
*Some of you may know that the FDA issued a warning about Domperidone several years ago. (On the same day that the National Breastfeeding Campaign was to begin!) It’s actually a stomach medicine, and was prescribed off-label for breastfeeding mothers. Because of the FDA’s warning, it’s no longer possible to just walk into a pharmacy and get a prescription for Domperidone; you have to go to a compounding pharmacy to get it, and even some of those are afraid of FDA reprisals if they fill the prescriptions. Fortunately, for those of us who need it to maintain a normal milk supply, there are still doctors and midwives willing to prescribe it for us, and some compounding pharmacies who will still make it.
Domperidone is widely considered a safe drug when administered orally, and is approved by the AAP for use in breastfeeding mothers. Many were outraged when the FDA issued its warning — especially since the cases it cites in the warning were decades old.
Official statements from prominent physicians can be found here.
A very good summary of the controversy can be found here, and many more links here.
Side effects of Domperidone.
Side effects of Reglan, another stomach medication that can increase milk supply, which has no warnings issued against it — even though it is NOT approved by the AAP for use in breastfeeding mothers!
**I also get my Oxytocin nasal spray from a compounding pharmacy.
Note to new readers: these tips are based on our experiences, as well as those of our friends and readers. Please always consult with your doctor before implementing any tip that might impact the health of your baby. If you have a tip you’d like to submit please send an email to blogger at babblesoft dot com for possible inclusion. Please check the ‘baby tips’ category to make sure your tip (in some form or fashion) hasn’t already been posted. If it has been, feel free to comment on that post and support the tip. We also welcome respectful challenges to the tips because as is noted in our inaugural baby tip ‘everything is relative!’ We will, of course, give anyone who submits a tip we publish credit and a link back to their site!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: baby tips,
breast milk,
breastfeeding schedule,
working mother |
Tags: alfalfa,
baby tip,
blessed thistle,
breast milk,
breast milk supply,
increasing milk supply,
nasal spray,
pumping |
When helping my cousin with her new baby during my trip to NYC, I was reminded of some tips to increase milk supply. When my first was born, my milk didn’t come in until over 10-14 days later. I was recovering from an emergency c-section and was exhausted. I was so distressed that I wasn’t able to provide enough food for my son that I often broke down in tears. When he was a week or so old, my mom, husband, and I took him to a local mother’s store and with the help of a wonderful lactation consultant I weighed him, fed him, and weighed him again. I freaked out because he weighed exactly the same as before! Talk about feeling like a bad mommy. However, after a few minutes we all realized that we had forgotten to put his socks back on when we weighed him the second time, and he had actually gained some weight! Phew! I can laugh about it now but boy at the moment…
Well-meaning lactation consultants and nurses told me repeatedly that I shouldn’t supplement. I felt guilty (ugh!) about doing it, but I had to and I’m glad I did. A few weeks later once my milk was in we no longer needed to supplement. When my daughter was born, I had no qualms about supplementing the first couple of weeks of her life because I knew with certainty she would breastfeed exclusively and it gave me some time to recover a bit faster. This time my milk came in within 3 to 5 days. So here are some ideas from my experience and my cousin’s:
Fenugreek. This seed is commonly used in pill form to increase milk supply. Fortunately for me, it is often used in Sri Lankan and Indian cooking and since my mom was here the first couple of weeks my kids were born I got to eat lots of tasty curries cooked with fenugreek. I’m convinced this is what helped bring my milk in faster. I’ll never know for certain but it was a yummy endeavor nonetheless!
Dark beer. My cousin was advised to drink dark beer to help increase her supply. We were both discussing how it was too bad that she wasn’t advised to drink a lot of red wine…which we both love.
Garlic. I also ate a little more garlic than normal in the curries my mother made, but I have heard that some people will eat so much that their milk starts smelling like garlic! They say that babies like the flavor/smell of garlic in their mother’s milk so they suck harder and eat more. Go figure!
Whole grains/Oatmeal. I’m not sure how this works but it’s probably related to why dark beer is helpful.
Rest. Sleep. Warm Showers. Although it’s very hard to get any rest those first several weeks home, it’s probably what the body needs most to help stimulate milk production. When you sleep, relax, and rest your body has time to make milk without added stress. Stress has been shown to decrease milk supply because your body is using it’s energy for things other than making milk!
Note to new readers: these tips are based on our experiences, as well as those of our friends and readers. Please always consult with your doctor before implementing any tip that might impact the health of your baby. If you have a tip you’d like to submit please send an email to babblesoft blogger for possible inclusion. Please check the ‘baby tips’ category to make sure your tip (in some form or fashion) hasn’t already been posted. If it has been, feel free to comment on that post and support the tip. We also welcome respectful challenges to the tips because as is noted in our inaugural baby tip ‘everything is relative!’ We will, of course, give anyone who submits a tip we publish credit and a link back to their site!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: baby tips,
breast milk,
pumping |
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To help illustrate how different people use Baby Manager (i.e., the baby is managing you!), we have begun creating user stories/case studies.
We appreciate that many new parents are uncomfortable with having their picture online or don’t want to even think about the possibility of being mentioned in print or being on TV the first year or so after they have a baby. But if you are the type of new parent who loves the spotlight, doesn’t care about being in the process of losing those baby pounds, and loves Baby Manager, we welcome your participation with open arms!
If you are interested, please activate a FREE Trial of Baby Manager and get familiar with it. If you find that it works for your family, you want to tell the world about your great experience using it, and you are interested in being a part of our media campaign, please email us at for more information and a hook-up. It’s not as big as the Harpo Hook-Up by Oprah, but it just might be what you need. 🙂
We will be posting all future case studies in this blog and on our Testimonial page.
So now for our very first user story about the Hayes family…drum roll please…ta dah (as my 2 year old would say)…

Author: Aruni |
Filed under: babble soft,
baby manager,
breastfeeding schedule,
case study,
pumping |
1 Comment »
Jennifer, also known as The Lactivist, posted on The Dark Side of Breastfeeding on May 15, 2007 and “WOW” the response has been huge and the moms who are breastfeeding or have breastfed are still chiming in. I agree with her thoughts on breastfeeding….it’s not always as easy, fun, and rosy as some people make it out to be. It is a full time 24×7 job. Check out her post and share your thoughts. I’m glad people can be honest about this topic. We need to educate new moms who want to breastfeed ab
out the challenges as well as the joys of breastfeeding. It is a wonderful experience but as Jennifer suggests there is also a darkside.
Jennifer is also a huge advocate for the Mother’s Milk Bank. She is in Ohio. I am in Texas (Austin) and fortunately both of our cities have Milk Banks in them! For more information on milk banking please refer to my last post on the Mother’s Milk Bank of Austin.
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: breastfeeding,
breastfeeding in public,
milk banking,
pumping |
Comments Off on The Dark Side of Breastfeeding

When people ask me why I donated to the Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin, the first thought that comes to my mind is “For hope. The hope that a fragile new baby has for survival. The hope that his/her family hangs on to that they will bring them home soon.”
When my first child was born over 4 1/2 years ago my life changed drastically. Although our son was a healthy, full-term baby, I felt overwhelmed and had challenges establishing breast feeding. I couldn’t even imagine what parents of sick, premature, and fragile infants had to deal with emotionally and physically. When my daughter was born just over 2 years ago, breastfeeding was easier and I pumped a substantial amount of excess milk. I didn’t want to throw away what is often referred to as ‘liquid gold,’ so I got in touch with the milk bank to learn more.
After a quick phone screen, written approvals from my OB and our daughter’s pediatrician, and a blood test, I was approved. I collected the milk in the containers provided by the milk bank, froze them, transported them in a cooler and dropped them off at a nearby hospital. It was really easy. My daughter often came with me to make the drops, and I was able to transport cooler, stroller, and baby with ease. She would often slap the cooler and laugh/smile as we strolled up to the nurses station. 🙂 The milk bank also coordinates pick up days/times for those who do not have easy access to a drop off location.
Before I knew it, I had donated just over 500 oz which I later learned put me in a high volume donor category! After I finished donating, MMBA sent me a wonderful certificate (now in her yet-to-be-completed baby book) made out to my daughter thanking her for sharing her milk with other babies. I know she’ll feel good about being able to help other babies. I know it’s strange but I looked at the certificate and looked at her and felt proud that we were able to help, together as mother and daughter, bring hope to people who were relying on hope to get them through each day.
During one visit to the milk bank, I took a tour and was fascinated to see how they collected, pasteurized, mixed, and stored the milk to specifications ideal for premature and sick babies. It was amazing to see how my and other women’s milk could be used to help potentially save the life of a baby and make those fragile infants first days of life a little more comfortable. Mother’s milk is less likely to upset their little tummies and more likely to give them energy to grow faster and get better sooner. If you are interested in donating, there are milk banks located in the US and around the world who can give you more information on how best to share your ‘liquid gold.’ It’s a great thing to do and feels great doing it!
The Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin (MMBA) is a nonprofit organization that accepts donations of breastmilk from healthy breastfeeding women, pasteurizes the milk, and dispenses it by prescription to premature and sick infants, primarily those in the hospital. MMBA is one of several milk banks in North America that is a member, and therefore follows the standards and guidelines, of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. Medical research clearly shows that premature infants are 6 to 10 times more likely to develop life-threatening intestinal diseases if fed formula instead of human breastmilk. If their own mothers are unable to provide milk for them, pasteurized donor milk is the next best choice.
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: breastfeeding,
milk banking,
pumping |
Babble Soft has announced the launch of its Baby Manager Web and Mobile software. Helping parents keep up with breastfeeding, pumping, bottle feeding, medicine doses, and diaper changes, Baby Manager keeps families connected and focused on the health and well-being of their newborns. Family members, caregivers, friends, or health care professionals anywhere in the world can log on to watch the growth and development of baby. Users can even share pictures and exchange notes.
When babies are born they become the true managers of our lives . . . especially the first several months after they enter our hearts and homes! Baby Manager is a software application, with Web and mobile options, designed to help parents figure out their baby’s patterns and cues to ensure his health and happiness. No more wondering: “When did baby last eat?” “When did mom last pump or breastfeed?” or “When did baby have his last dose of medicine?” Caregivers can quickly look up the last time baby ate, took medicine, or had her diaper changed to determine whether she might be hungry, tired, need another dose of medicine, or just wants to be held.
What’s more, for busy breastfeeding moms, keeping track of pumping and medicine intake helps with the management of stored breast milk. Also, when asked, “What did you do all day?” breastfeeding moms can proudly and confidently show a report online, on a mobile device, or on paper the time they spent feeding their baby which can range from 3 to 6 hours per day (i.e., 20 to 40 hours per week!) depending on the baby and the mom. The application summarizes the data in easy-to-read graphs and reports that can be printed out to show friends, family members, or health care professionals.
Babble Soft’s president, Aruni Gunasegaram, a serial entrepreneur and mother of two, explains, “What’s advantageous about Baby Manager Web is not only its ability to help parents easily keep up with the basic information required by most pediatricians in the first months of a baby’s life, but also its ability to keep families connected.”
“The Windows Mobile platform allows people to customize their devices to meet their individual needs,” said John Dietz, group product manager for Mobile and
Embedded Devices, Microsoft Corp. “Applications like Baby Manager Mobile continue to expand the ways people can manage both their workstyle and lifestyle all on one device.”
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: babble soft,
baby manager,
technology |
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