Trish and I were pleasantly surprised at the number of people who blogged and tweeted about our partnership with eMail Our Military that we announced just before Memorial Day weekend. We are forever grateful for them in helping us spread the word about Babble Soft giving free subscriptions to Baby Insights and Baby Say Cheese to active duty military with newborns who are members of eMail Our Military! We’d like to thank each and every one of them!
Please check out their posts and leave them a comment and let them know how great it is that they picked up a partnership created by two entrepreneurs who are trying hard to make a difference in the world. 😀
If you’ve blogged or tweeted about it and we missed it, please let us know and we’ll add you to the list. Even though it’s past Memorial Day, if you are only now finding out about our partnership, please continue to tell everyone about it because the partnership is ongoing and Father’s Day is just around the corner. We will still link to your post!
Blog Posts
Fred Wilson at A VC – Memorial Day
Jeff Nolan at Venture Chronicles – Markets are Communities
Maryam Scoble at Maryamie – Memorial Day
Lauren Vargas at This Mommy Gig – Serving the Homefront
Robert Hacker at Sophisticated Finance – Memorial Day
Barbara Ling at – 77 Great Resources for Memorial Day (she links to
Jeremy Bencken at PR4 Pirates – Anatomy of an A-List Blog Mention
Omar Gallaga at Austin 360 – Post-Memorial Day Web catch-up
Ashlee Allen of Mama Speaks – Keeping in Touch State Wide
Nicole Johnson at Pick Nick’s Brain – Quick Tip – Logging Sleep
Pistachio – Challenging: newborns. More challenging: while your partner’s on active duty. @emailourmilitary @aruni memday help
KeithBurtis – (aruni)Happy Memorial Day! Help us spread news of @MailOurMilitary (aka @Dayngr) and @babblesoft partnership
MikeChapman – Two of my favorites! @MailOurMilitary and @babblesoft join forces post
TroyTurner – @aruni , @dayngr FYI – I just fwd’d your offer to some insiders at Walter Reed, Ctr for the Intrepid-BAMC, and Naval Med Ctr-San Diego.
MackCollier – Retweeting @aruni: @MackCollier @MailOurMilitary and I have positive news to share too re: Memorial Day 🙂
NewMediaJim (we know he tweeted but can’t seem to find the tweet now)
Hametner – @aruni @mailourmilitary Glad to see the partnership between and, looks like a great fit!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: babble soft,
baby care,
baby insights,
baby say cheese,
twitter |
Tags: active duty military,
babble soft,
eMail Our Military,
memorial day,
Parenting Support |

I mentioned before that my blog is listed on Alltop Moms. Well now thanks to Guy Kawasaki, I’m listed in Alltop Startups and for a brief time I was listed in Alltop Twitterati. I guess I took too long to write this blog post, because I’m no longer listed in Twitterati. Maybe I can earn my way back into Guy’s good graces (unless they changed the criteria for being listed there) and find another spot on Alltop in exchange for another blog post about the amazing and ever so ubiquitous Alltop concept! 😉
He also added an Alltop Adoption page so for those of you interested in people who write about adoption, adopting kids, their adopted kids, and other people’s adopted kids, check it out!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: blogging,
Just For Fun,
random stuff |
Tags: adoption,
alltop adoption,
AllTop Moms,
alltop startups,
alltop twitterati,
guy kawasaki |
Comments Off on Alltop Keeps Growing!
I met a gal on twitter who tweets by the name of @MailOurMilitary and @Dayngr. Her real name is Trish. We got to tweeting and emailing and then talking.
Since Trish had gone through the hardship of being away from her husband when her first child was born, we both thought it would be a great idea to join forces to offer members of her non-profit organization, eMail Our Military free subscriptions to Babble Soft applications as well as access to a discount code for 20% off purchases for non-active military and friends.
So please let the military families you know about our offer and encourage them and others to sign up at eMail Our Military. We know there is no way to make up for the lost time and touch of a parent who is away but now they have access to a free tool that can help bridge the unavoidable physical gap between two parents of a precious newborn. We wanted to give people another reason, which is often overlooked (i.e., being away from their baby), to remember all those men and women who have put their lives at home on hold and/or laid down their lives to protect our freedom.
You can see the press release below, on our site, on PR Web, and on eMailOurMilitary’s blog. Trish also wrote a more personal blog post called Baby Memories, Milestones, and Our Military where she mentions her experience as a new mom whose husband has to leave one week after her baby was born!
Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Babble Soft and eMail our Military Join Forces to Offer Free Subscriptions to Babble Soft Applications for Active Duty Service Members with Newborns
Just in time for Memorial Day, Active Duty Service Members with Newborns now get free access to Babble Soft’s web and mobile applications through their membership at eMail Our Military.
AUSTIN, TX; MIAMI LAKES, FL – May 22, 2008 – Babble Soft and eMail our Military are partnering to offer free subscriptions to Baby Insights and Baby Say Cheese for active duty service members with newborns.
“We are very excited about the opportunity to partner with Babble Soft.” said Trish Forant, Founder and President of eMail our Military. “My husband was called into service only one week after our first child was born. I had very few friends and family to turn to for support where we were stationed and it was difficult for me to convey to him what I was going through with our new baby. I would have loved to have the online tools Babble Soft provides to communicate to him how often and when our baby was feeding, sleeping, etc. as well as important picture milestones!”
“Our goal at Babble Soft is to help strengthen and enhance connections between family members during that wonderful, yet chaotic time after a baby is born.” said Aruni Gunasegaram, founder and president of Babble Soft. “We support our troops and know how important it is for new parents who have to be away from their newborns to feel connected to what is going on at home. Partners can share experiences and photos with each other through Babble Soft’s unique web and mobile applications. As an added bonus, members of eMail our Military will have access to a discount code to purchase gift subscriptions for their other family members who may or may not have military ties.”
Baby Insights helps caregivers keep track of baby’s breast & bottle feeding, sleep periods, diaper changes, medicine doses, immunization records, as well as mom’s breastfeeding, pumping and medicine intake. Having important information stored in one location makes communication between parents, their nanny, babysitters, grandparents, or doctors seamless and reliable and gives new parents insight into their baby’s patterns to help with crucial baby care decisions.
Baby Say Cheese lets you create a wonderful online baby’s first year photo album with milestones such as ‘first crawl, first smile, first word’ and family tree that you can share with friends and family. You can even send a fun, cute picture postcards of any of your baby’s milestones to anyone with an email address!
About eMail our Military, Inc.
eMail Our Military was created in 2001 as a response to the DoD’s cancellation of the “Any Service Member” and “Operation Dear Abby” mail programs. As a safe alternative, eMOM picked up where these programs left off. eMail Our Military is composed of volunteers from all walks of life who understand that regardless of our political views, our military service members deserve our respect, support & encouragement. Website visitors can join and take part in a number of support projects ranging from sending eMail on a one-on-one basis with a service member to year round support projects that are open to the public. For more information on eMail Our Military, please visit
About Babble Soft, LLC
Babble Soft is based in Austin, Texas and creates products that help make the transition into parenthood
easier. Whether you need breastfeeding support, are experiencing baby sleep issues, are expecting twins, or taking care of a premature (preemie) baby and would like to create your baby’s first year album, Babble Soft offers unique, easy-to-use Web and Mobile software solutions that improve communication between caregivers. Babble Soft makes a great baby shower gift that you can easily send via Email to any new parent anywhere in the world! To learn more and purchase Babble Soft applications, please visit
For more information, please contact:
Trish Forant
eMail our Military, Inc.
(786) 228-7096
Aruni Gunasegaram
Babble Soft, LLC
(512) 961-6002
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: babble soft,
baby insights,
baby say cheese,
baby sleep,
national holiday,
working father,
working mother |
Tags: active duty military,
babble soft,
eMail Our Military,
memorial day,
Memorial Day special offers,
military dad,
military mom,
newborn baby |
Our 5 ½ year old son just lost his first tooth yesterday and the tooth fairy paid a visit to our house last night for the very first time. He lost it at school and had it haphazardly carefully wrapped up in a paper napkin when I picked him up.
He was so excited to tell me about it! He held the mangled paper napkin and kept fussing with it in the car. We came inside and I opened the napkin and it wasn’t there! I was probably more upset than him and asked him if he thought he dropped it at school and he assured me he hadn’t. I kept asking him a million questions and he said it was probably in the car. I was nervous that it wouldn’t be there and I would have to deal with a very upset 5 year old (and huge feelings of mom-guilt), but he climbed into the door and he looked around his booster seat and he found it. Talk about breathing a million sighs of relief!
He didn’t want to tell his dad (who was out of town) about it until we picked him up at the airport last night. And even then he wanted to keep the tooth at the house until we got back from the airport.
It was a very exciting milestone in our house! Not being sure what the going rate for the tooth fairy was, I put the question out on twitter and got some great replies:
We ended up giving him 4 quarters which he seemed very happy with. He put them in his piggy bank right away. I asked him if he wanted to buy something with it or save it and he said ‘save it’ which made me happy. I’m not sure what he’s saving it for though.
His other bottom tooth is loose, so I’m guessing it will fall out soon. I’m not sure how long it takes for all the baby teeth to fall out, but he could make quite a bit from the tooth fairy by then. 😀
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: Just For Fun,
random stuff |
Tags: baby teeth,
baby tooth,
lost tooth,
tooth fairy,
twitter |
I’ve never really tried too much to monetize my blog so I’ve decided to start experimenting. I do have BlogHer Ads on the right side of my blog and recently activated Google Adsense, but that hasn’t really brought in a lot of money yet. I have kept BlogHer Ads because I support many of the things that BlogHer does and stands for.
I figure if Fred Wilson who blogs at A VC (he’s a venture capitalist) can make $30K a year from his blog, maybe I can make a few bucks that I can invest back into Babble Soft. I’ve been so busy on other things that I haven’t really taken the time to figure out this whole blog monetization thing. Now that I have a reasonable amount of subscribers, I figure I’d try my first affiliate program. So I signed up for the GoDaddy Affiliate Program. If you click on one of the images below, you will get some great discounts on domain names and hosting packages and I’ll get a little money to put in the company coffer!

If you are thinking about starting a business and you have some great domain name ideas, I suggest you go ahead and check to see if they are available, set up and account with GoDaddy, and possibly buy one or more just in case. They have great introductory prices that start at $6.95 per year. I have purchased several domain names with them and have really liked their service and prices. I have not used their hosting but if their customer service on hosting is as good as their customer service on domain names, then it’s probably pretty good!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: advertising,
entrepreneurship |
Tags: affiliate programs,
domain names,
Go Daddy,
hosting plans |
Photo by Sandy Blanchard
We are about 5 months and thousands of dollars into our search engine optimization (SEO) campaign managed by SpryDev and before you read the rest, I suggest you check out my Part 1 and Part 2 posts.
Let’s just say I’m not yet ecstatic with the results. On the plus side, Website Grader now shows our grade as 79 which is up from 67 when I ran it for my Part 2 post on March 3, 2008. We are also just now starting to show up in the first and second page of Google for our current keywords of ‘breastfeeding support’ and ‘baby sleep.’ We are showing up in the top 30 for other important terms. Interestingly enough, we are showing #1 for ‘baby care software,’ but I have no idea what the search volume is for that term!
On the not-so-great side, although our overall traffic is increasing at a pretty good percentage rate, we still aren’t seeing a huge jump in total number of visitors or more importantly a significant jump in trial sign-ups which have shown in the past a 7 to 10% conversion rate to purchase! For instance, according to Google Analytics, in December 2007 we had 873 total visitors of which 626 were unique visitors. In April 2008, we had 1,585 (82% increase) total visitors of which 1,162 (86% increase) were unique. Page Views during that same time have gone from 2,364 to 4,898 (107% increase). In the world of the Internet, the percentage increases are good, but the total numbers seem low to me especially when you see numbers like 1 million visitors per month thrown around often on Mashable and TechCrunch.
In February and March we saw an increase in percentage totals of people finding us using organic search engine terms but saw a drop in organic search and trial sign-ups in April. The more trial sign-ups we have, the higher the conversion rate of customers purchasing our apps. Direct and Referring site traffic is still greater than 70% of our traffic sources which means that’s a heck of a lot of my time emailing, blogging, twittering, as well as links from my friends and other interested parties. My family does not blog or twitter so unfortunately I don’t get back links that way. 😀
I know that the SEO link team is submitting articles, press releases, and creating directory submissions on a monthly basis which seem to be getting accepted and picked up at a reasonable rate. SpryDev gives me good weekly and monthly reports, and I check out our Google Analytics to see how things are going. So I know that they are sharing all the information they can with me.
We did have an account manager change back in early March when Rose, who I mentioned in a previous post, left for personal reasons and now our account manager is Erik. We also had a keyword shift around that time from ‘pregnancy week by week’ to ‘baby sleep.’ I’m still not sure why we selected that keyword since we don’t have an offering for that keyword, but I think it was because it had a high search volume…needless to say it had a high bounce rate. In other words, people who found our site using ‘pregnancy week by week’ didn’t stay long on the site.
We have also made several website conversion changes based on recommendations by SpryDev via Brian Massey of Customer Chaos, who I also mentioned in one of my previous search engine optimization posts. Some examples include:
a) Changing trial period from 30 to 15 days
b) Changing our trial follow up emails from same text emails X and 2X days from sign-up to different text emails on sign up, X days out, and Y days out.
c) Adding the Try It Free button on the Babble Soft home page and throughout the site.
d) Creating a new Contact form.
I can’t really opine on the conversion changes until we see a huge jump in trial sign ups. So honestly, I’m a little stumped and frustrated. Maybe my expectations at the beginning were not correct?! I had hoped we would see better results by now especially since I was tying some of our fundraising success to SEO. I don’t know if I’m alone in this or if everyone just has stellar SEO experiences and all of a sudden trial sign-ups and sales go through the roof! Anyone?
As I mentioned in my SEO, Here I Come post, I signed up with SpryDev because of their guarantee:
“By the end of your contract you will have at least as much additional business from your Web site as you spend on our services… or we’ll work for FREE until you do.”
Since the contract is for 12 months, we have 7 more months to go and they are assuring me that around the 6 month mark is when their customers start to see the big results…although so far May hasn’t been proving to be a big trial sign-up month yet. I’ve heard from others that they’ve seen big results in as little as 3 to 4 months from their SEO endeavors.
So now I’m wondering what could we have done better and what could we do better? Are we optimizing for the right keywords? Do people know to even look for applications like ours? Are people even interested in using applications like ours? Do we need to do more marketing around the benefits of using these kinds of applications more than the parent stories I pull together when the opportunity arises? Should I put the money that I would be putting into SEO into paid ads on parenting related sites, Google AdWords, etc. instead?
I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I will need to continue to bootstrap Babble Soft since fundraising has been challenging given this economic environment and because we have yet to demonstrate a compelling increase in the number of our users. I would feel much better going out to raise funds with thousands or tens of thousands of customers.
I am beginning to think that I might just have to get a job to support my entrepreneurial addiction! 😯
If you are interested in reading more about my SEO trials, tribulations, and hopefully victories think about subscribing to this blog. If you know more about SEO than I do (which is likely), then leave a comment and share your advice with the rest of us!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: babble soft,
baby sleep,
sleep |
Tags: babble soft,
baby care software,
baby sleep,
breastfeeding support,
google analytics,
organic search,
pregnancy week by week,
search engine optimization,
seo |
So here’s the rest of my Women 2.0 Conference story. If you want to see tons of pictures (which sadly I and my deep pink Banana Republic shirt don’t appear) please check out the official Women 2.0 Conference Wrap Up post. You can also see Sophia Perl’s (another semi-finalist) post on it here.
Friday – May 9, 2008
I took my rented yellow car and drove around the Palo Alto/Menlo Park area to meet some people. I met Jeff Nolan, who was one of the venture investors in my first company, for lunch at a place called Buck’s. We only just got to know each other while at my last company before I left, but he seemed to be one of the good guys. I mentioned him in a post I did about angels and venture capitalists a while back. We might get to work together again and this time in hopefully a more creative and collaborative way.
I tried to meet up with Guy Kawasaki later that afternoon but he had something mildly important to do like make some sort of silly book submission deadline, so we traded tweets and emails instead. Then I went to the Stanford mall. I’m not a big shopper, but since I had a few hours to kill, and my husband wanted me to get him a Stanford t-shirt (It’s one of his alma-maters) I wandered around a bit and read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, but was not feeling in the “now” at the time so didn’t make much progress. So I got some hot chocolate, my rings cleaned, and happened to find a couple of light-weight jackets at really good sale prices to protect me from the Bay Area cool evenings!
Later I had the pleasure of meeting up with Maryam Scoble for wine and fabulous brie with a flakey crust. Yum! Maryam and I met through our blogs. I initially heard about her and her husband Robert Scoble from our very own Austin based Connie Reece. Robert even did a Qik video of me at SXSW but I don’t think that many pregnant moms or parents with newborn babies, preemies or twins are watching those videos. Go figure!
Saturday – May 10, 2008 (conference day)
You can see the agenda for the conference here. It was an interesting day in a tent near the Stanford golf course. Walking in grass was a challenge for many of us who were wearing heels. Those wearing pointed heels especially suffered by sinking into the grass/dirt, but since I would trip and fall on my face in pointed heels, I wear more flat ones.
The most interesting sound bites, in my opinion, came from the Power Panel: “Igniting the spark through strategies taught and lessons learned”
Terri Ghio, Unique Solutions and TBS Connect said: Make sure you have an audience, a secret sauce, strategic alliances, and ability to build the blocks and barriers for success.
Amy Love, Protégé Performance Group said: Build an inner circle, share your dream, think big, and have the confidence & energy to move forward.
Dr. Jwala Karnik, JwalaCo said: Be open to inspiration, tell people what you want to do, and just take the first step!
Dr. Maggie Haertsch, VOICEMAP said: Have passion and be totally committed, focused, and fearless!
Pat McEntee, AuxoGlobal said: Women entrepreneurs are different and that’s OK. Women look at things they want to spend their time on differently. Women build different companies. The fact that many retail companies are currently dominated by men is not going to last long, but women should build companies that men feel comfortable in. By the way, Pat is a guy!
I mentioned the winners of the napkin business plan challenge in my yellow car post, so I won’t mention it here again, but I did want to mention one company and founder who was on one of the panels: Erica Estrada of d.light design. She is impressive and her company is very cool! They make affordable, small, solar power lighting units for people in third world countries who have no access to electricity. So the kids in who live in shacks can study/read after dark and parents can cook or work after dark without having to use a kerosene lamp that not only stinks and has to be bad for your lungs, but also doesn’t last very long. I really do wish her and her company great luck, good partners, fabulous investors and perfect timing!
I ended the day by eating sushi with the friends I was staying with. They even took a picture of me (see below) drinking this huge cup of sake! The waitress finished the bottle on me, so the sake overflowed into its holding bowl. I was glad I wasn’t the one driving us home in my rented yellow car. 😀

Coming soon I’ll post an update on my SEO experiences, so you might want to subscribe to read more about the birth pains of a web business. It’s not pretty.
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: competition,
venture capital |
Tags: guy kawasaki,
jeff nolen,
maryam scoble,
palo alto,
Robert Scoble,
silicon valley,
women 2.0 conferenece,
women entrepreneurs |
So I lost the memory stick with the pictures I had taken while in the Bay Area for the Women 2.0 conference. That’s why it has taken me this long to do my first post about it. OK, so it’s not that long because I got back Sunday and it’s now Wednesday, but it feels long in Internet/blog time! I had to harass the friends I stayed with to email me the pictures I took with their camera because, yes, I forgot to take my camera with me. I guess when your brain is also trying to keep up with two kids, things like cameras get forgotten from time to time. Thank goodness we live in a time where lost memory sticks can be backed up by good friends and email!
As you may know, I was selected as a semi-finalist but not a finalist, and decided to go to the conference anyway. I’m glad I did. I saw the 5 finalists present and was quite confident that my company, and several others I met while there, would have probably been better (i.e., more fundable) than at least 2 of the teams that presented. But hey, it would be hard for most people to decide what teams are the best based on a one-page summary and 2 minute video.
Koollage was the winner and their tag line is Kool, Kolorful snippets of your digital world to go. The People’s choice award was Gaiagy and offers residential and commercial building owners recommendations for how they can most economically make their operations more eco-friendly. To see a full write-up on the winners on TechCrunch go here. But I digress.
It all started with a yellow car. I reserved a car at Hertz and got a pretty good $22/day rate and the lady at the counter asked me if I wanted a yellow car. I had expected a compact Hyundai or something so I said sure, but what do you mean by yellow? She said it was sporty and the notes said it was yellow. She told me if I didn’t like it I could exchange it for something else. I half expected it to be some sort of light yellow, champagne color, but it was in fact bright yellow and here’s the picture to prove it. I smiled when I saw it and figured everyone could see me so chances of my being hit in California traffic would be significantly reduced so I took that Chevy Cobolt, sporty, 2-door with sun roof car and headed towards highway 101!

Stay tuned for the rest of the Women 2.0 and yellow car story by subscribing to this blog. I’ll be writing about who I met and what I learned in the days to come.
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: conferences,
networking |
Tags: Bay Area,
Chevy Cobolt,
silicon valley,
women 2.0,
women 2.0 conference and pitch night,
yellow car |
Happy Mother’s Day! I put this poem I wrote for Mother’s Day in a previous post, and wanted to share it again here. I hope you enjoy it along with a picture taken by a good friend of mine, Sandy Blanchard.

Motherhood and Childhood
What does it mean to be a mother?
Is it love?
Is it fear?
Is it feeling dear?
What does it mean to be a child?
Is it love?
Is it joy?
Is it having a favorite toy?
As mothers we hope for our child’s happiness
We pray for our child’s health
We hope they are treated with kindness
We pray our children find peace in the world
As children we live for today
We anticipate a life of fun
We hope for a million tomorrows
We cannot imagine a world without our mothers
As mothers we cannot imagine a world without our children
We are one and the same…
Aruni Gunasegaram
March 2008
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: mom,
mother's day |
Tags: mother's day |
You might have heard, I was a semi-finalist for the Women 2.0 napkin business plan competition. Well, they informed me on May 3, I didn’t make the finals. Sigh. But trying to look on the bright side, I’m actually kind of relieved because now I can focus on networking and learning instead of being stressed out about giving my pitch! I’m starting to think I’ll have to get a job to support my entrepreneurial addiction. Too bad I didn’t get rich off of my first entrepreneurial endeavor…
I’d like to profusely thank Sylvester Becker (a.k.a. German Cowboy) of Dana Lynn Media for helping me pull together a very cool 2 minute pitch video which I can’t share with the world yet, but maybe soon. Sylvester was awesome to work with and so creative! We used crayons. We used Little People to illustrate our future customers as well as small figures of Dora the Explorer and her friends Boots and Benny. Although I think Boots got cut out in editing. My daughter loves Dora and in fact some people say she looks like her especially now with her new haircut.
I had already decided that even if I didn’t make the finals, I was going to the Women 2.0 conference (check out the site for the fabulous list of panel speakers – entrepreneurs and venture capitalists) this weekend in the Bay Area where the skies are blue, the weather is usually predictable, the money made in tech is gigantic, and everything is way too expensive. Except for, oddly, the reasonably priced rental car I got from Hertz. Thankfully, some friends are letting me crash at their place so I can save money by not getting a hotel.
Anyway, in case you are interested in the names of the finalists, here you go:

I’ll do a post about it after I get back, so Subscribe Now so you don’t miss a thing about my sure-to-be idyllic, fantastic, jaw dropping trip to Cali! I wonder if I can find a way to eat some sushi while I’m there…
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: competition,
venture capital |
Tags: babble soft,
Bay Area,
dana lynn media,
german cowboy,
napkin business plan challenge,
sylvester becker,
venture capital,
women 2.0 |
We have some exciting news today that I just had to share! We did a press release with UpSpring Baby about our partnership to offer free subscriptions to Babble Soft web and mobile applications for customers who purchase their milkscreen product in Babies “R” Us! UpSpring is a great company with awesome women/mom entrepreneurs at the helm. Please let new parents know how they can try two cool products for the price of one. It’s sort of like you buy one, you get the higher priced item for free. Don’t you love those kind of offers. 😀
If you are a blogger, know a blogger, or a journalist who might be interested in telling their readers about it especially since it’s so close to Mother’s Day, I would be truly grateful if you mentioned it to them. Or even a Stumble of this post, would be so appreciated.
The press release is below and is also on our site and on PRWeb. I think it’s kind of cool that a Consumer Packaged Goods company and a Tech company are offering solutions for new moms, together in Babies “R” Us!
Babble Soft and UpSpring Baby Offer Free Subscriptions to Baby Insights for Milkscreen Customers
Customers who purchase a Milkscreen 3-pack, available at Babies “R” Us, will get a free subscription to Babble Soft web and mobile applications.
AUSTIN, TX – May 7, 2008 – For a limited time only, customers who purchase the MilkscreenTM 3-pack at Babies “R” Us and other retailers for $4.99, will get a free 3 month subscription valued at $19.95 to Baby InsightsTM and Baby Say CheeseTM!
“We are thrilled about the opportunity to provide our customers with access to Babble Soft’s unique web and mobile applications!” said Lisa Williamson, founder and CEO of UpSpring Baby. “Our customers use milkscreen as a simple, two minute test to detect alcohol in breast milk. Every woman metabolizes alcohol differently so milkscreen allows Mom to relax and remove the guesswork and Babble Soft’s Baby Insight’s product helps new moms keep track of their breastfeeding and pumping schedule as well as how much pumped milk they feed their baby. We feel that giving our customers the chance to try out easy-to-use tools to help them manage their breastfeeding and pumping schedules is a huge plus for busy moms.”
“Our goal at Babble Soft is to help make the transition into parenthood easier by taking some of the worry away about whether baby is getting what he/she needs.” said Aruni Gunasegaram, founder and CEO of Babble Soft. “We are excited about partnering with UpSpring Baby to not only offer their customers an easy way to try our Baby Insights application to help them track pumping and breastfeeding, but also our Baby Say Cheese first year online baby album with milestones and family tree.”
Baby Insights helps caregivers gain insight into baby’s breast & bottle feeding, sleep periods, diaper changes, medicine doses, immunization records, as well as mom’s breastfeeding, pumping and medicine intake. Having important information stored in one location makes communication between parents, their nanny, babysitters, grandparents, or doctors seamless and reliable and gives new parents insight into their baby’s patterns to help with crucial baby care decisions.
Baby Say Cheese lets you create a wonderful online baby’s first year photo album with milestones such as ‘first crawl, first smile, first word’ and family tree that you can share with friends and family. You can even send fun, cute picture postcards of any of your baby’s milestones to anyone with an email address!
About UpSpring Baby
UpSpring, founded in 2005 and based in Austin, Texas, is a premiere parenting and child consumer brand that consists of popular labels such as Walking Wings® and MilkscreenTM. Founded by momprenuers, the company is dedicated to offering parents and children the most innovative and trustworthy health, wellness and safety products available in the baby care industry. The founders are inspired by how many unmet needs still exist in the childcare industry and how many great ideas other parents have to offer. UpSpring, has worked with designers, medical experts and testing laboratories, to ensure fresh and more natural product alternatives that are safer and supportive for every facet of babies’ early childhood. To learn more, please visit us at
About Babble Soft
Babble Soft is based in Austin, Texas and creates products that help make the transition into parenthood easier. Whether you need breastfeeding support, are experiencing baby sleep issues, are expecting twins, or taking care of a premature (preemie) baby and would like to create your baby’s first year album, Babble Soft offers unique, easy-to-use Web and Mobile software solutions that improve communication between caregivers. Babble Soft makes a great baby shower gift that you can easily send via Email to any new parent anywhere in the world! To learn more and purchase Babble Soft applications, please visit
For more information, please contact:
Gillian Robb
Upspring, LLC
(512) 828-7988
Aruni Gunasegaram
Babble Soft, LLC
(512) 961-6002 �
aruni(a)babblesoft(dot)com �
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: entrepreneurship |
Tags: alcohol and breastfeeding,
alcohol while nursing,
babble soft,
babble soft and upspring baby partnership,
babies r us,
baby insights,
baby say cheese,
baby sleep,
breastfeeding support,
upspring baby,
women entrepreneur |
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make it to Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Camp but fortunately they sent me some goodies. My kids aren’t babies anymore so some of the items I’ll probably give to some friends with new babies or maybe even use them myself! They wrote a nice note saying they were disappointed I could not make it to the camp and sent me some of their classic and new products:
Baby lotion
Moisture care baby wash
Baby cream
No more tangles® shampoo + conditioner – straight hair
No more tangles® shampoo + conditioner – curly hair
2 bottles of no more tangles® leave-in conditioner
Smelling the scent of their classic line brought back memories of when my kids were babies. Sigh. Nice for a moment of nostalgia, but I’m thankful those early days are over! We still have an almost empty bottle of their original baby shampoo that we sometimes use on our daughter.
Here are links to some of the posts other bloggers who attended wrote about the baby camp:
Mom’s Favorite Stuff: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Plain Jane Mom: So why did J&J send me to New Jersey anyway?
SoCal Stuff: My Mommy Went to Baby Camp and All She Brought Me Was This Lousy Lightup Mirror
Maryamie: What happened at Camp? Johnson’s Camp Baby Report Day 2 and 3
From dates to diapers: Camp Baby
Marketing Roadmaps: Camp Baby Post Mortem Part One: The Mom Bloggers’ Perspective (a long, but good one!)
The LadyBug and her Blogging Mama: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Wow, I even found the Flickr J&J Camp Baby pictures and J&J Camp Baby blog they set up for the event!
I’m sure there are more posts out there about Johnson’s Baby Camp, so please leave the link to your or someone else’s post in the comments below and I can add it to the list. I would search the Internet endlessly myself, but I’m home with a recovering sick kid and wondering how I’m going to get caught up on all of my other work. Plus, I’m feeling a bit achy myself. Bleh!
I only have one request for J&J. Please give me more than a few weeks notice next time because I will take any excuse to get pampered! 😀
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: baby,
baby care,
baby stuff |
Tags: baby advice,
baby care,
baby items,
baby lotion,
J&J baby camp,
johnson & johnson,
johnson & johnson's baby camp,
mom's favorite stuff,
plain jane mom,
SoCal Stuff |
I was planning to write a post updating everyone on our search engine optimization experience today but the real world injected itself with a sick kid at home. High fever and rescheduling meetings doesn’t leave much time for writing long, heavy posts. Plus I had to sneak in a nap in the afternoon while our daughter napped since we didn’t get much sleep the night before. 🙂
So instead, while my husband takes care of the kids this evening, I thought I’d write a post on the example of an unanticipated, viral marketing story with a mom twist. So here it goes…
Once upon a time I met a friend on the Internet. I found her blog and commented away. After some time, we realized we had similar visions and she invited me do a guest post on her blog called Entrepreneurship: A Blessing or a Curse. We kept in touch, spoke on the phone a few times about ways to work together, became twitter pals, and finally met in person at SXSW here in Austin back in March and clicked even more.
While at SXSW she got further proof of what she already knew which was that the name of her blog, then called eMoms at Home, was not really reflective of the demographics of her readers and would-be readers so she had a mini-meltdown, picked herself up and came up with a cool new name called Sparkplugging! Since she was and still is an advocate of entrepreneurs and especially those who work from home, her cool, new name opens the door wide open to many of us who are moms or not but like to spark up ideas and play with them until something happens.
So after SXSW, she went home and saw a post about dads on twitter and decided to do one for moms. Within hours she got tons of replies and created a post called The Ultimate List of Moms on Twitter that started with 250 moms. I commented and subscribed to comments on that post and every day new moms would leave a comment with their twitter name until May 1, 2008 that is. Twitter sent out an email to everyone yesterday, May 1, and in it they included:
Mother’s Day: On The Way
We’ve noticed a trend of parents twittering the moments of their baby’s birth so we know there are some new moms on Twitter. Are you a mom on Twitter? Is your own mom on Twitter? Maybe you even made “The Ultimate List of Moms on Twitter”? Mother’s Day is just around the corner so don’t forget to @reply the moms you know with a thoughtful phrase–but keep it under 140 characters, moms are busy people.
List of Moms on Twitter:
And today I had 150+ comments in my inbox and they are still coming. Now she has close to 400 comments on that one post! Did she do anything extraordinary to make it happen? Not really. Did she tell people on twitter about it? Yes, of course. Did she know others would tell and re-tell more people about the list? Possibly. Did she know twitter would pick it up in their mass email to everyone? Doubtful (but I don’t know what went on behind the scenes). So in hindsight what played in her favor to have a post she wrote on April 8 (before her name change) take on a life of its own? Here’s what I think:
- She took the initiative to do something that ended up being quite time consuming, but she saw from the responses it resonated with hundreds of moms on twitter that it was a worthwhile endeavor.
- She told her friends about it who re-tweeted and blogged about it.
- The tweeters kept the link going within twitter and in the blogosphere.
- Mother’s Day was around the corner and the guys (I think they are all men) at twitter saw the activity and might have said to themselves “Hmmm. How can we mention a major holiday, get brownie points with our wives/mothers, and promote twitter at the same time” and voila a mention was born!
UPDATE: I sent a link to @Biz to this post and he informed me there are several women who work at twitter! So of course I followed them. Here is his tweet:
biz @aruni awesome! I included the moms list because it was noteworthy – also, women who work at Twitter: @crystal @krissy @alissa @lane @sara
In case you haven’t guessed who this friend is, it’s Wendy Piersall. I guess only Wendy can tell us if she planned all of this, but to me it’s another example of viral marketing that in hindsight makes sense but when started, the current result would have been highly unpredictable.
To me, this is why it is so hard to orchestrate a viral campaign. You can plan everything down to the “t” and still not have it work out the way you wanted. It’s hard to predict when there are so many variables. You can also just do something you enjoy doing that helps others and see a “spark” turn into a flame! Way to go Wendy! 😀
Oh and by the way, I am @aruni and Wendy is @eMom on twitter…
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: entrepreneur,
mother's day,
social networks,
working mom,
working mother |
Tags: entrepreneurship,
moms on twitter,
mother's day,
viral marketing,
viral marketing campaign,
wendy piersall |
I don’t often do a full on post about Babble Soft, but considering Mother’s Day is coming up on May 11, 2008 and we are offering 15% off of all subscriptions (click here for full press release) to Baby Insights and Baby Say Cheese using code MOTHER#1 on the Purchase Form through May 15, I figured it would be OK.
So for all the new moms out there who want a record of their baby’s newborn activities, who want a place to create a unique baby’s first year photo album with a family tree, who want a better way to communicate about childcare with their spouse, nanny, sitters, and family members, this one’s for you!
Gift subscriptions also make great Mother’s Day and baby shower gifts for those couples who you know will want breastfeeding support or see how often mom pumped and share when their baby ate, slept, and pooped! 🙂
I even came up with a poem that I had submitted for a local parenting related publication. It wasn’t selected so I thought I’d share it here. As you can tell, I didn’t major in poetry but I hope you like it anyway!
Motherhood and Childhood
What does it mean to be a mother?
Is it love?
Is it fear?
Is it feeling dear?
What does it mean to be a child?
Is it love?
Is it joy?
Is it having a favorite toy?
As mothers we hope for our child’s happiness
We pray for our child’s health
We hope they are treated with kindness
We pray our children find peace in the world
As children we live for today
We anticipate a life of fun
We hope for a million tomorrows
We cannot imagine a world without our mothers
As mothers we cannot imagine a world without our children
We are one and the same…
Aruni Gunasegaram
March 2008
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: babble soft,
baby say cheese,
baby sleep,
mother |
Tags: babble soft,
baby shower gift,
mom's day,
mother's day,
mother's day gift,
mother's day gift ideas,
mother's day poem,
poem for mom,
unique mother's day gift |
Comments Off on Give the Gift of Peace-of-Mind This Mother’s Day
I babble about business, babies, and parenthood on this blog, so those of you who come here to read my posts on entrepreneurship but do not have babies, please forward this post to your friends and family who do have babies. For those who have babies and dabble in business, these tips might be right up your alley. If you have babies and no interest in business, then send it on to the folks you know who are knee-deep in business and encourage them to have a baby! To check out more baby advice, check out the baby tips category.
7 Tips for Successful Breastfeeding
by Aruni Gunasegaram
My now 5 ½ year old son was born by emergency c-section making my post birth recovery time challenging because a) I was exhausted, b) he didn’t seem to sleep very much and c) I developed a breast infection. Now a) and b) are par for the course when having a baby but c) knocked me senseless. I didn’t want to take any more medication given that I had just come off of several after the c-section so I waited to see if the pain would go away. When I reached the point where I would wake up from a restless sleep with tears in my eyes from the excruciating pain and I began having thoughts like “I wish I could die right now, but I can’t because I have to feed my baby,” I began a round of antibiotics. Within a week or so I felt sane again.
Now part of the reason I contracted the breast infection was because I wasn’t breastfeeding correctly. It took about 7 to 10 days for my milk to come in and then because of the infection probably 10 weeks for me to quit wondering how the human race survived before bottles and formula! I ended up breastfeeding our son for about 7 months and our daughter about 9 months when it was apparent to me that we were ready to move on to the next phase of our mother/baby relationship. Here are some tips that helped me establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with my children.
1. Mentally prepare yourself that it can take up to 8 to 12 weeks. Some insightful person…maybe a nurse or my lactation consultant, told me “Give it 8 to 12 weeks before making a decision on whether you want to quit breastfeeding.” So I told myself ‘this is a marathon, breastfeeding is important to me and my husband, and I can’t quit before 12 weeks.’ I remember saying that to myself almost every day and when I was 10 weeks into it I realized “Wow, this isn’t so bad. In fact it’s pretty darn neat!”
2. It’s OK to supplement! I know I will be chastised by the pure breastfeeding advocates for saying this, but in my opinion it is OK to supplement with formula especially if you feel something is wrong with you or your baby. I was so afraid to supplement because I was repeatedly told that supplementing was the worst thing I could do, which of course made me feel like an awful mom. But let me tell you, if you are exhausted and your baby isn’t gaining weight, it is one of the best things you can do. After feeling guilty for a week because my milk wasn’t coming in and my baby wasn’t gaining weight, and trying to survive a breast infection, I decided to supplement just a little bit and what a relief because it helped me gain my confidence back. I had more confidence when our daughter was born 2 ½ years later. I smiled at the nurses who said I shouldn’t supplement and did it anyway for the first few weeks of her life. UPDATE: Based on a reader’s comment below, it wasn’t clear that even though we supplemented in the first several weeks, I also continued to pump. It is so true that if you quit pumping, your body will think you need to produce less milk. So I pumped and I took time to rest a little longer to build up my milk supply and that’s why my milk came in! Supplementing is not for everyone but in my opinion the sanity and health of the mom and baby are of utmost importance!
3. Don’t be afraid to take that baby off! Some well meaning nurses told me that when the baby is finished he will fall off. They didn’t know my son. He would stay on for over an hour on each side just suckling half asleep if I let him. I remember breastfeeding sessions that would last 90 minutes which when I had to start over again in an hour and a half reduced me to tears. I believe not pulling him off when I thought he was done contributed to my getting the breast infection. With my daughter I produced so much milk that after 8 to 10 weeks I was able to take her off sometimes at 7 to 10 minutes!
4. Keep a breastfeeding log. So that you have an idea of how much time you are breastfeeding and maybe even what position you are breastfeeding in, keep a breastfeeding log. When our son was born I used a form I created in Microsoft Excel to jot down often illegible notes. Fortunately when our daughter was born, we had an alpha version of our mobile software program, Baby Insights, available. I could easily keep track of my pumping and breastfeeding schedule which helped me understand her feeding patterns and how much milk I was producing.
5. Drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of fluids, eating well, and getting good rest is a huge contributor to successful breastfeeding. In fact a vast majority of breast milk is water. Keep a bottle of water next to you when you breastfeed.
6. Ask and/or pay for help. Whether it’s a lactation consultant, a post-partum doula, your significant other, or a friend who has breastfed before, ask for help. A good lactation consultant can give you great tips on how to get your baby to latch on and feed properly. If you can afford a post-partum doula a few hours per week, they can be a god-send with both household and breastfeeding support. Ask your spouse to help you keep the breastfeeding log, bring you water, fresh fruit, snacks, and the baby!
7. Relax. I know this is easier said than done, but I found the more relaxed I was, the more my milk flowed. Lack of sleep and stress actually reduces your body’s ability to create breast milk. And worse you may start to resent the process and maybe even your baby! Watch a funny show or movie. Take a nap. Take a leisurely walk. Chat with a friend. Or just bawl your eyes out…we all know what a stress relief that can be!
Once your milk flow is established consider donating to a Mother’s Milk Bank near you. I donated to the Mother’s Milk Bank of Austin with my daughter and it was a wonderful feeling knowing that my milk was going to help sick and premature babies.
If you like this tip, you might be interested in these too:
Increasing Breast Milk Supply by Carole Hayes at Alias Tex
15 Tips for Surviving The World’s Youngest Insomniac by Rose at From the Park Bench
Why Keeping a Daily Journal Is Important for Moms and Nannies
How To Properly Swaddle A Baby
Tips on Co-Sleeping and Ways to use a Co-sleeper
Keeping a Baby Food Journal by Neena at A Mom’s Life at
Note to new readers: these tips are based on our experiences, as well as those of our friends and readers. Please always consult with your doctor before implementing any tip that might impact the health of your baby. If you have a tip you’d like to submit please send an email to blogger at babblesoft dot com. Please check the ‘baby tips’ category to make sure your tip (in some form or fashion) hasn’t already been posted. If it has been, feel free to comment on that post and support the tip. We also welcome respectful challenges to the tips because as is noted in our inaugural baby tip ‘everything is relative!’ We will, of course, give anyone who submits a tip we publish credit and lotsa link love!
Author: Aruni |
Filed under: baby,
baby advice,
baby care,
baby insights,
baby tips,
breast milk,
breastfeeding schedule,
milk banking,
pumping |
Tags: baby advice,
baby food journal,
baby sleep,
baby swaddle,
baby tips,
breast milk supply,
breastfeeding schedule,
breastfeeding support,
co-sleeping with baby,
from the park bench,
how to swaddle a baby,
milk banking,
Mother's Milk Bank,
successful breastfeeding |
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